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Computers and Technology Discussion

iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS - Page 1

iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2009-08-10 22:03:54
So, okay. Picture a five year old kid in a room with a marshmallow. He is told that he can eat the marshmallow now, or wait ten minutes and get another marshmallow along with that marshmallow. So he can either get immediate payoff = 1m, or 10 min wait = 2m.

Okay. Now imaging that this kid is actually a teenager that is told that he can buy an iPhone3G now or can save up his money for an iPhone3GS, and that he decides that there is NO GET ANOTHER PHONE. What should he choose?


Re: iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-08-10 23:11:00
3G S, all the way.

Re: iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS

Posted by: MissingNo
Date: 2009-08-11 17:05:33
3G S if you would like to deal with Apple's draconian Application Store and its' crude policies, everything from…

Hold out and wait for one of the 'droids - rumor has it AT&T will be getting the HTC "Lancaster" phone running Android. Or if Windows Mobile is your forte, don't bother with the HTC TILT II when it comes out - stick with the HTC FUZE, my personal recommendation. The FUZE has the same hardware as the Tilt II, just smaller size and a smaller screen. It can still run all the Tilt II's software, though…

</biased Windows Mobile user>

Re: iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-08-11 17:08:27

3G S if you would like to deal with Apple's draconian Application Store and its' crude policies, everything from…

    [li]Denying Google from releasing its' Google Voice application, and pulling all developers' GV clients out of the App store and requiring the developers to pay refunds out of their own pockets for no reason[/li]
    [li]Denying Google's Latitude application because Apple feels users will get confused between 2 map programs[/li]
    [li]Enabling users to download a "baby shaking" application[/li]
    [li]Censoring a dictionary and forcing it to be sold at a 17+ rating[/li]
    [li]Other injustices[/li]

Actually, the app store is what makes the iPhone great.  If you don't like the fact that so many apps are denied, then jailbreak it.

Re: iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2009-08-11 17:13:36

    [li]Enabling users to download a "baby shaking" application[/li]

Ooh, sounds interesting.

EDIT: Am I qualified for the 199$ iPhone? My mom already has one and I would be getting one on her account.

Re: iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-08-11 22:04:28

3G S if you would like to deal with Apple's draconian Application Store and its' crude policies, everything from…

    [li]Denying Google from releasing its' Google Voice application, and pulling all developers' GV clients out of the App store and requiring the developers to pay refunds out of their own pockets for no reason[/li]
    [li]Denying Google's Latitude application because Apple feels users will get confused between 2 map programs[/li]
    [li]Enabling users to download a "baby shaking" application[/li]
    [li]Censoring a dictionary and forcing it to be sold at a 17+ rating[/li]
    [li]Other injustices[/li]

Actually, the app store is what makes the iPhone great.  If you don't like the fact that so many apps are denied, then jailbreak it.

This is MissingNo we're talking to here, he most likely would have jailbroke it already.

Re: iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-08-11 23:18:04

3G S if you would like to deal with Apple's draconian Application Store and its' crude policies, everything from…

    [li]Denying Google from releasing its' Google Voice application, and pulling all developers' GV clients out of the App store and requiring the developers to pay refunds out of their own pockets for no reason[/li]
    [li]Denying Google's Latitude application because Apple feels users will get confused between 2 map programs[/li]
    [li]Enabling users to download a "baby shaking" application[/li]
    [li]Censoring a dictionary and forcing it to be sold at a 17+ rating[/li]
    [li]Other injustices[/li]

Actually, the app store is what makes the iPhone great.  If you don't like the fact that so many apps are denied, then jailbreak it.

This is MissingNo we're talking to here, he most likely would have jailbroke it already.

This is MissingNo we're talking to here, he most likely would have made it run windows moblie already.

Re: iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS

Posted by: MissingNo
Date: 2009-08-15 11:08:45

EDIT: Am I qualified for the 199$ iPhone? My mom already has one and I would be getting one on her account.

Make sure you're iReady before going to the AT&T store.

This is MissingNo we're talking to here, he most likely would have jailbroke it already.

This is MissingNo we're talking to here, he most likely would have made it run windows moblie already.

I had an iPod touch 2G and jailbroke it back in the ol' redsn0w tethered days. Loved Winterboard. Hated to reboot back then due to tethering at the time.

And no, I wouldn't even want an iPhone running Windows Mobile. That's putting lipstick on a pig. I'm satisfied with the flexibility of the HTC FUZE and Windows Mobile, thank you very much.

Re: iPhone3G VS iPhone 3GS

Posted by: Zach the Glitch Buster
Date: 2009-08-22 15:45:13
Save up and get that 3GS. The abilities that the 3GS gives the user is amazaing. The improved camera is a major plus but I personalty fell in love with the voice commands. The reason? They work extremely well and the commands are unforgettable. (Reason being all the commands are floating on the screen in the voice control app)  Also, with the new features on the 3GS, you can enjoy everything the app store has to offer. 

Just some tips on buying though. Go to an Apple store, not an AT&T store. If theres no Apple store, buy online at AT&T is trying to sell you a phone plan, so chances are they will to try and screw you over with a plan you don't fully need. The guys at the Apple store are just trying to sell you the phone.  Also, guys at the Genius Bar can answer your questions, there not there to sell you stuff.

Personalty, I think AT&T sucks and I really hope that the exclusivity deal is not renewed. Thats why I just stuck with an iPod touch, most useful peace of teck I own excluding my laptop.

So enough ranting, thats my two cents.