Re: Who or what is responsible for all of GCL's problems?
Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2007-11-08 18:47:33
And yet, Pokegods can be a problem?
I don't know.
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And yet, Pokegods can be a problem?
Sure, It's the begining of noobitude. And noobitude is the begining of problem.
Sure, It's the begining of noobitude. And noobitude is the begining of problem.
Exactly, It is the pokegod's fault
Sure, It's the begining of noobitude. And noobitude is the begining of problem.
HE should be a vote for one of the problems 8).
Sure, It's the begining of noobitude. And noobitude is the begining of problem.
Exactly, It is the pokegod's fault
And noobitude begins with jadhavmih.
Remember? That one guy?
He called me gay.
Uh, no, jaddywhatever was a common garden-variety troll who posted once and got his ass banned.
If he didn't create GCL,GCL wouldn't have had problems,because they wouldn't have existed,because GCL wouldn't have existed.