I can't access
Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2007-12-26 11:21:10
When I do, it says "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\wamp\www\glitchcity\forums\Sources\Subs.php on line 1785"
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It's RPBnimrod.
Same for me. Someone posted somehing way too big maybe?
I feel so popular!
Why can't you post? I'll test it(RPBnimrod don't get mad at me for this).
I can access, but I can't post.
Why can't you post? I'll test it(RPBnimrod don't get mad at me for this).
I can access, but I can't post.
We made a deal, is I don't post till he's ready, He won't post till I'm ready. But anyway, I can post.Why can't you post? I'll test it(RPBnimrod don't get mad at me for this).
I can access, but I can't post.
Why would he not let you post?