Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2008-01-21 19:47:06
Also, to vote twice like Kyouki said, remove your votes then revote for the two you like best if you haven't done so already.
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If we have a tie of two or less votes between 2nd and third place, we give the undecided votes to whomever then we revote to see who the true mascot is aggreed? Because with this many mascots it's like the primarys and we're voting to see who is in the finals like the elections.
If we have a tie of two or less votes between 2nd and third place, we give the undecided votes to whomever then we revote to see who the true mascot is aggreed? Because with this many mascots it's like the primarys and we're voting to see who is in the finals like the elections.
Can we still keep the other ones around SOMEWHERE, like, in the Gallery or in sigs or something?
It's there (hypno toad that iz)