Glitch City Laboratories Archives

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Wiki Discussion

Non-JS spoilers - Page 1

Non-JS spoilers

Posted by: Bent`
Date: 2008-03-03 10:34:01
Since I have NoScript turned on, I can't open spoilers. What are the odds of the spoiler tags being changed to a "highlight to view" system instead?

Re: Non-JS spoilers

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2008-03-03 11:51:41
[spoiler2]Like this?[/spoiler2]
[spoiler]I think the original Spoiler is closest to your idea though[/spoiler]

Any of those work?

Re: Non-JS spoilers

Posted by: Bent`
Date: 2008-03-03 21:22:04
I can see [spoiler], but [spoiler2] doesn't show up at all. I didn't even know there was a type of spoiler without the button… <_< Eh, it's no big deal then.