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Wiki Discussion

Whoa. - Page 1


Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-08 01:12:26
I repeat. Whoa.

I commented in TEH SEKRIT STAFF ROOM that we were spiking upwards in activity. And this is proof.

We're normally 90-something on the PPN top 50, and 25 or so on the PD toplist. As for the others, I don't really pay attention to them, but it's obvious that we're getting higher up. For some reason.

Edit: I'll post where we are on some of the topsites, as of this post

PokeDream: 17th. Not too bad, out of almost 100. Of course, we can see TRS is about 1,000,000 times higher ranked. Damn. >:(

Pok?Den: 14th. To put that into proper perspective - Pok?Den itself is 11th, and TRS is (what a surprise) 1st. I feel kinda awkward having our site just slightly outranked by a site called "free mobile phones games downloads" (10th). That arrow thing is pointing up. Is that a good thing?

Seafoam Island: 11th. That puts us right behind Pokemopolis, which is at 10th. Pokemopolis. They kick serious ass. TRS is at 8th, which may look like "only 3 ahead of us", but they still are 1,000,000 times higher. Damn again. >:(

Edit 2: You don't believe me about that last bit? Beh, we might end up at 15th or something tomorrow, so… here's a screenshot. Foo.

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-07-08 08:12:47
Ebil TRS  :P

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-08 10:57:05

Ebil TRS  :P

lol, was that a joke?

I don't really consider them an "enemy" like I used to :P

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-07-08 14:03:33
This site is in fourth place at Pokemon Heaven Topsite!

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-07-08 15:55:22

Ebil TRS  :P

lol, was that a joke?

I don't really consider them an "enemy" like I used to :P
I used to consider them an ally, but I wisened up. Now they're an enemy,

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-08 21:40:29

This site is in fourth place at Pokemon Heaven Topsite!

Fourth? I see fifth sixth. Well, we were still somewhat behind Pokemopolis.

Pokemopolis. Damn. They kick ass. So does Koffing. :P

I used to consider them an ally, but I wisened up. Now they're an enemy

You have a strange idea of "wisening up". Sure, I was all "we must kill them and become TEH UBER GLITH SIET!!111one". Yes. I even got Rose and Concolor22 pissed at me for doing so. But that was back in teh 2005. Now, we just focus on being the best we can be.

And we got pushed from 11 to 16 17 on the Seafoam Islands toplist. No reason to gloat or anything. :/

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-07-09 08:07:24
Im joking.
I just always do stuff like that.
8) ;D ;D

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-07-09 14:31:57
we need to flock in new people with some crazy campaign. but how? maybe a real domain name could help…

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-07-09 15:23:43
I agree. :P

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-07-09 15:32:18
There are not too many people interested in glitches. :(

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-09 16:03:47

we need to flock in new people with some crazy campaign. but how? maybe a real domain name could help…

We have

Or we did. I lost the login info for that. The last thing I did in there was make redirect to, which currently redirects to

Edit: Great. Funpic killed my account without giving one word of warning or explanation. Now is useless, I'll have to wait until sometime 2007 when I can reregister it, hoping of course that the squatters (who got after it died) won't get to it before I can.

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-13 22:44:59
Damn. If people were more like ME, we would be at least #2!
(But they're NOT. They think "Screw it, it's Pokemon. WHO CARES?!?")
(I'm not saying you guys are bad, I'm just saying this is HOW I found this site. Info on Missingno., I came HERE and NOT TRS! I'm also GLAD I did, as these forums kick ass!)

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: GoldenChaos
Date: 2006-08-14 18:11:45

we need to flock in new people with some crazy campaign. but how? maybe a real domain name could help…

I say we should come up with a slogan.  like:
"Quietly conquoring the world of Pokemon Glitches."
or somthing cool like that.  Mabye if we pulled together ideas, we'd come up with somthing uber cool.

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-14 18:18:44
How about:
"Having Glitch Problems? Call Abwayax at Glitch City. He WON'T disappoint you."

Re: Whoa.

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-08-14 18:23:44
Lol. Maybe:

"Bored with your Pokemon game? Or got an emulator? Come and mess up your Pokemon game!"