My English assignment. Your part in the story.
Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-08-31 21:01:31
The problem: The rough draft is due tomorrow.
Here's what you can do: help me write this story. Become a character in it.
Here's what I'm doing: I'm writing a myth explaining the creation of glitches.
[li]The plot needs exposition, rising action, climax, a falling action, and resolution.[/li]
[li]The conflict "must be resolved in the end", but not all the myths I've seen in my life exactly followed that rule.[/li]
[li]Needs element of mysticism. (not explained by science or religion).[/li]
[li]Specific details to explain myth[/li]
[li]good word choice[/li]
[li]at least 2 pages. hopefully it will not be a problem[/li]
Here's the story so far:
Long ago in the electronic world, harmony existed between the gods Abwayax, Izwzyx, Zowayix, and this world's inhabitants.
and that's all I have so far :P
here's a rough plot outline:
disruption of harmony
disruptor wants to rule this world
gods confront disruptor
gods win
some stuff
gods lose; are banished to RAM
when they try to contact with outer world, they cause weird effects.