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Wiki Discussion

Senate Bill 2010 - Page 2

Re: Senate Bill 2010

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2010-03-26 22:46:56


I endorse the preceding statement.

My name is Chaos Hiruko, and I approve this message.

This message was funded by the N.O.
N.O., it was funded by N.O.A.

Re: Senate Bill 2010

Posted by: Zach the Glitch Buster
Date: 2010-03-27 01:27:48
Why fix what ain't broken? The system we have in place now is liked by most everyone. The peoples voices are being heard and the people represented because the people are still here. If enough people hate the government at hand, they revolt. In the realm of physicality, a person who is revolting most likely has no other way of notably expressing disapproval of the government other then revolution. But here in cyberspace, people have a second option, they can leave. That is where the people have their say. If they are unhappy with the rules, they leave. If the rules suck, everyone leaves and the forum dies. If the rules are good, people stay and flourish. My observations show that people stay here and so my conclusion would be that the rules work just fine. So again, why fix what ain't broke?

Re: Senate Bill 2010

Posted by: Kyoukipichi
Date: 2010-03-29 03:06:35
What's wrong with the rules? How could anyone not like the rules? Our rules are so lax!

(yes, yes, they are rather liberal for a usual forum)


I endorse the preceding statement.

My name is Chaos Hiruko, and I approve this message.

This message was funded by the N.O.
N.O., it was funded by N.O.A.

Negating Organization of America

Re: Senate Bill 2010

Posted by: Yuzihax
Date: 2010-03-29 17:00:22

Negating Organization of America

I would donate to this organization. Often.

but they would deny it.

e: and of course attempt to join it.

and be denied.

Re: Senate Bill 2010

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2010-03-29 17:50:23

Negating Organization of America

I would donate to this organization. Often.

but they would deny it.

e: and of course attempt to join it.

and be denied.

I deny the above statements

[me=Ketsuban]effects Yuzihax' disappearance[/me]

Re: Senate Bill 2010

Posted by: Yuzihax
Date: 2010-03-29 18:20:31

I deny the above statements

[me=Ketsuban]effects Yuzihax' disappearance[/me]

denying the denial because there isn't anything to deny in my denials.

denial is a fun word.


Re: Senate Bill 2010

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2010-04-12 21:44:14


Re: Senate Bill 2010

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2010-06-08 17:23:56
*insert giant red denial stamp here*