Re: Senate Bill 2010
Posted by: fivex
Date: 2010-03-26 22:46:56
N.O., it was funded by N.O.A.
I endorse the preceding statement.
My name is Chaos Hiruko, and I approve this message.
This message was funded by the N.O.
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N.O., it was funded by N.O.A.
I endorse the preceding statement.
My name is Chaos Hiruko, and I approve this message.
This message was funded by the N.O.
N.O., it was funded by N.O.A.
I endorse the preceding statement.
My name is Chaos Hiruko, and I approve this message.
This message was funded by the N.O.
Negating Organization of America
Negating Organization of America
I would donate to this organization. Often.
but they would deny it.
e: and of course attempt to join it.
and be denied.
I deny the above statements
[me=Ketsuban]effects Yuzihax' disappearance[/me]