Illogical Animal Crossing
Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2008-05-07 18:35:06
And, since it's on here, an un-paranoid-about-content-affecting-minds site, I get to have it have swearing and slight sexual references!
Illogical Animal Crossing: Chapter One, Moving into Mt.Ember
*in Mt.Ember*
Alex: *drops a House Seed onto some sign and watches a house appear out of nowhere* Finally, I'm here and my parents can stop bitching at me to move out.
Nook: *runs crazily and pounces Alex* You owe me 14,000 bells!
Alex: What the hell? I already bought this house!
Nook: No, you approached it, and decided to get this house.
Alex: Does this not look like a Portable House that most of the villagers use?
Nook: No, it looks like a house I built.
Alex: *points in a direction* These are the four houses you built according to a nearby sign, but I'm not interested.
Nook: What houses?
Alex: Uhh…
Nook: ?
Alex: Look, free bells!
Nook: WHERE!? *runs in the direction Alex randomly pointed*
Alex: Who hired an idiot for selling stuff in this town?
Bob: *walks into the acre Alex is in* That guy barged into our town with his items and his greed, set up a shop, and ruined our lives.
Alex: He seems pretty easy to trick.
Bob: We do it all the time.
Alex: …Oh bah.
Bob: What? Oh wait, I hear Nook too.
Nook: *comes back crying like a baby*
Alex: His idiocy extends to crying?
Alex: They're behind an invisible cave on the west cliff wall in, oh, Acre D-1. Thousands of them. But to go through it, you have to run.
Nook: Yay! *runs to Acre D-1*
Bob: *laughs* That's evil, Alex, but awesome.
Alex: Yes, I'm often awesome.
Bob: Well, I'm gonna go home, it's almost 11 PM.
Alex: Same, in my house that I don't have to pay more for. *enters house, jumps onto a bed in the first floor, and sleeps while K.K. Swing continuously plays as always*
*The next day*
Alex: *wakes up to annoying Animal Crossing Wild World Nook's Cranny music* …
Nook: Welcome to my new store! What do you want?
Nook: *points to a sign with rules listed on them, one of them saying "No Swearing"*
Alex: Shut up. *runs out of his house, taken over by Nook, who should have been in the hospital by now*
Nook: Where are you going?
Alex: It's not a matter of where I'm going, it's a matter of where _you_ are going. *raises hand and his house/Nook's Cranny suddenly turns into a small leaf, and Alex pockets it*
Tangy: *approaches Alex* Hey! I needed to buy some stuff!
Alex: From a house thief?
Tangy: A house thief is better than an idiot.
Alex: Not when he takes over my house and uses it as his store while I was sleeping. Besides, isn't he still an idiot?
Tangy: No, the last Tom Nook finally killed himself while he was running into a cliff in Acre D-1 yelling "BELLS BELLS BELLS BELLS!"
Alex: You mean there are multiple Tom Nooks?
Tangy: Sure. The Tom Nook now sitting in your pocket came to take the idiot's place. They always come to towns that they find aren't using their services.
Alex: I wouldn't use their services. Someone trusted in Mt.Ember should run the store here.
Tangy: I agree, but it's only legal for raccoons to be storekeepers.
Alex: Due to who?
Tangy: The mayor.
Alex: Well, then. Revolt! Or something.
Tangy: Bob is already attempting to send him a fake retirement letter from the government.
Alex: Well, let's hope that works out well.
Tangy: Except, there is no higher government. Animal Forest is an anarchy.
Alex: …Oh. Well, what if he's senile?
Tangy: He is.
Alex: Then we can hope for something.
Tangy: And if he doesn't, then Snake can go and assassinate him.
Nook: *distant-sounding* Let me out!
Alex: *pulls out leaf and throws it back onto the sign from where it was*
Nook: *comes out* Why did you do that?!
Alex: Because it's my house that I saved up and paid for. Go to the last Tom Nook's store or something.
Nook: But I don't want to. It stinks of spoiled fruit.
Tangy: It does.
Alex: Oh, great.