Tachi's Limericks
Posted by: tachi
Date: 2013-09-13 17:56:00
There once was game where you could craft
it was so stale that i always laughed
People stood in large rows
to play a game like legos
and that is why it is daft.
Elder scrolls online
There was once an idea that was good
but like all things it never should
ruin your fans
by making them pay monthly plans
instead of having them pay for food
Xbox one
There was once a very flawed system
In which everyone was bitchin'
that it was all hooplah
yet they'll pay moolah
to show how bad they have mentioned
Wii U
there was once a system that was high tech
you could say it was as hardcore as a mech
but everyone who is lame
says "where are all the new games?"
and thus making life heck
People complain about difference
because they see it as hindrance
but a life without fun
is a very boring one
so get over having impudence