Ideas about science and philosophy thread
Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2019-02-16 16:44:04
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
(not that balancing the two is not important, it may be wise to balance them)
So what ideas have you come up with? :)
1 (I will post more of these if drawn to doing so):
People are keen on the idea causation cannot be violated. However, ideas may come when the opposite is also a different perspective of the same thing. Example: 'time travel to the past does not make sense'; there are multiple solutions that could make it work, one of them that there are many universes and your consciousness (or material (in terms of 'light' and 'matter') form as well) simply enters a new universe and perhaps in that universe time too only travels forwqrd. Another interpretation is that you are 'tranced out' and the ego (as some believe) is just an illusion also that, probably I have a soft spot for, is how travelling near the speed of light distorts both time and space. It may not be that you don't succeed in the travel, but rather your memories and cognitive state are also transferred, hence something mysterious happens like becoming someone or something else/death/(add your idea here if you like)
2. If free will and determinism are equally correct. Take something you love the most like a tasty treat; in one sense your particles made you do it (chemicals and matter in the brain, etc.). In another narrative, 'nobody cares about that', your heart made you do it. Is the 'subjective' heart and 'vacuum' a synomyn? Take the saying '1 plus 1 is 3'. Well if it is 'true' maths is an 'infallible' maxim, this can't be, yet the heart imagines it anyway, and it is 'true' if an equation from the future (+1 again) or 'a friend joins in' applies. Yet we insist time and space are different ignoring some theoretical physics ideas. If vacuums can create matter it says something 'strange'; it's not just random perhaps, but can be analyzed in the future as these things may be integral to time itself (e.g. double slit experiment and wave particle duality might come into this).
It's also thought provoking string theory and quantum stuff may not be what we think of as science (true and set whether you believe it or not), but duality may solve that. Some mathematical equations do in fact have more than one solution if time is not considered possibly.
3. If consciousness and dogma is a type of matter (wave), no matter what; and our perception of nature (while not necessarily true maybe) is that all things change; and balance out, creating an understanding of the opposite (according to Tao culture and yin/yang) you can't for instance stay in one state of mind forever; what if you got hurt? Also pain may be needed for greater happiness in the distant (but not near) future, and the proverb 'pride precedes a fall', as much as we may want to be happy, some believe in that all highs precede a fall. This could explain the phenomenon of evolution, because at one point bacteria were 'weak', at a later point they devloped resistance, and recently antibiotic resistance.
4. If 'time' can be compared to 'memory' in cognition whatever form that may be, and if these are linked. Sometimes (thanks one of my favourite YouTubers Sharkee!) subjectively we experience time slower if in mortal danger. If you were dead you perhaps would remember nothing, however, could time be excluded? To stretch that further do you truly ever forget? Some near death experiences report a mutual understanding of all souls and extreme knowledge, and I wonder whether time no longer occurs if we're dead, it then doesn't necessarily mean we know nothing just have no recollection if we are reborn in whatever way.
Thanks: News Scientist and spiritual circles who I've read a lot from, despite how I personally think New Age Movements and religion can (but it depends) be 'dangerous'. Also my sociology teacher. But I'm in no way wise.