Re: I am now making sprites (Because I have loads of free time)
Posted by: agusganog
Date: 2009-01-25 16:53:26
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Could I please have shiny versions of those Lickilicky/Gliscors (shiny Gliscor color) for my Lickilicky episodes?
Could you make Alakazam with Electabuzz colors? I will be forever grateful.
Ah, my deepest gratitude, Mutou Yami!
Could I please have shiny versions of those Lickilicky/Gliscors (shiny Gliscor color) for my Lickilicky episodes?
Could you make Alakazam with Electabuzz colors? I will be forever grateful.
I'm sorry I took so long. It's been a while since I checked this thread i never knew i had requests. Again, forgive me.
As for the Alakazam with Electabuzz colors…
Wow. That is awesome! Thanks a lot!
I would like a Gardevoir/MissingNo. hybrid, a Gardevoir/Decamark 0 hybrid, and a Gardevoir/Arceus hybrid, please.
If you have any free time, I wouldn't mind an Alakazam with Magmar's colors.