MOD-SAN's Sprites [Now taking requests!]
Posted by: MOD-SAN
Date: 2006-08-19 20:22:29
A Revamp is when I take a 1st gen game sprite and color it to be similar to a 3rd gen game sprite. In this example, I took a Green sprite and colored it to be like a Leaf Green sprite.
Pokemon to Revamp:
Use Red/Blue, Yellow, or Green sprite?:
An Invert is the simplest of all. I simply invert the colors to match the opposite of the original colors. For this and the following examples, I will be using Fire Red/Leaf Green sprites.
Pokemon to Invert:
Use sprite from which game?:
A Recolor is basically using the colors that you tell me to use. Your Pokemon can be one solid color, two or three colors, or all the colors of the rainbow. It's your choice.
Pokemon to Recolor:
Use sprite from which game?:
Which colors to use?:
How/What to Color [choose details or just say random]:
Mutants are combinations of two or more Pokemon. You can combine as many Pokemon as you want, and be as broad or specific on the details as you want.
Pokemon to Mutate [choose as many as you like]:
Use sprite from which game(s)?:
How/What to Mutate [choose details or just say random]:
A Vector is when only the colors and few to no lines are used. You might want to request your vector on a black background so that you can see the details better, however, it is all your choice.
Pokemon to Vector:
Use sprite from which game? [LG/FR/Ru/Sa/E ONLY!]:
I can also edit Pokeballs, however, I can only Recolor/Invert them until I think of something better to do [Suggestions?]. I do NOT add limbs, wings, or the like to Pokeballs, however, I will add minor details to them and/or add them in with a Pokemon sprite that you request. All Pokeballs are as they are pictured; CLOSED, not open!
Choose from the above Pokeballs, in order from top to bottom!
- Master Ball
- Ultra Ball
- Great Ball
- Pokeball
- Safari Ball
- Net Ball
- Dive Ball
- Nest Ball
- Repeat Ball
- Timer Ball
- Luxery Ball
- Premier Ball
Pokeball to edit:
Choose Details:
Also here is an example of my rumor sprites!
Chrona Mew
Cyber Mew
Porygon 3