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Iron Spriter Glitch City - Page 1

Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-20 18:26:50
Iron Spriter Glitch City is a spriting variation on the show Iron Chef America.  You have 4 iron spriters, and 3 judges.  Currently they are:
Iron Spriters (in rank order):
1.Wild MissingNo. Appeared!
3.—Guest Slot— (Currently Blue Lickitung)
The main judge (Chaos) will hold the contests between Iron Spriters and give them the guidelines they must make their sprites by.  (Ex. A fusion of two certain Pokemon, a recoloration of a certain Pokemon ect.) The judges will vote on the sprites, and the spriter with the most votes wins and goes up a rank.  If spriter #2 beats spriter #1, they switch ranks.  Simple.  The guest slot in the judges list is a free space, but not permanent.  One person will sign up to be the third judge for that battle and vote.  They lose their position after the battle.  (Unless that person repetedly signs up and no one else wants to be the third judge, and then they’ll get a permanent slot.)  Since there are free spaces in the spriter section, anyone can sign up and freely join the iron spriters.  One last thing, and probably the most important: challengers.  If a person not in the iron spriters wishes to challenge an iron spriter they’ll go about it in a normal spriting battle, but if the challenger wins he/she takes the #4 slot in the iron spriters, the challenged iron spriter gets kicked out, and the other spriters move up a rank.  (Ex. Challenger beats #2 iron spriter.  #2 iron Spriter gets kicked out, and the challenger gets #4 slot.  #4 iron spriter moves to slot #3 and #3 iron spriter gets #2 slot.)  Simple.  But fret not, if you lose a battle, you can always challenge again.

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-08-20 18:43:56
Cool! ;D
I want to join!

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-20 18:45:58
As a spriter, or a judge? (We need a guest judge, we have 2 regular judges)

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: MOD-SAN
Date: 2006-08-20 20:34:40
I'd like to join as a spriter please^^ [This sounds fun!]

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-20 20:57:38
Ok, Three Spriters! Joining us is MOD-SAN! (Newcomer border covers him like in Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
Pokemon_yellow, did you want to be a spriter or a judge?
EDIT: Before we can continue, we need a guest judge and a 4th spriter. (AND Wild Missingno. and GoldenChaos)

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Blue Lickitung
Date: 2006-08-20 21:01:37
I'm new, but I think I'll try judging, if you guys don't mind…

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-20 21:05:28
I don't mind at all! Unfortunately, I can't just make you the judge until Pokemon_yellow tells me either that she wants to be a spriter or judge.

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Blue Lickitung
Date: 2006-08-20 21:07:09
Gotcha, thanks.

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-20 21:16:13
Your welcome. If Pokemon_yellow wants to be a spriter, you can be a judge.

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-08-20 23:30:54

Your welcome. If Pokemon_yellow wants to be a spriter, you can be a judge.
I shall be a spriter

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-20 23:44:19
Alright, Pokemon_Yellow is a spriter, and Blue Lickitung is a judge.

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2006-08-21 00:54:16
If you don't mind me asking what the hell is this all about??

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-21 18:17:52
I re-opened the other contest, but GoldenChaos wanted one similar to Iron Chef America. (Like I know what the hell that is, but he gave me the rules.) You can make a challenge, but you don't have to.

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: GoldenChaos
Date: 2006-08-21 18:51:01
It's time to answer life's most challenging question:

Who's sprite reings supreme?

An awsome, made up tradition has taken root in Glitch City soil.  We have been graced with our own Spriter's Stadium, where a pantheon of artistic giants will soon gather.  Allow me to introduce; your very own Iron Spriters, Glitch City:

Iron Spriter: Wild Missing No. Appeared!
Iron Spriter: GoldenChaos
Iron Spriter: MOD-SAN
Iron Spriter: pokemon_yellow



As our challenger thursts to find our secret ingreadiant and challenge one of our Iron Spriters to a artistic battle of epic porportions…I say to you in the words of my MissingNo. …



This was the intro of Iron Chef America, editied for this cause.  Chaos you can put this in the first post if you wish. 

Re: Iron Spriter Glitch City

Posted by: MOD-SAN
Date: 2006-08-21 18:57:14
So like… has it started yet? o-o lol.