Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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Banners (limited time only) - Page 1

Banners (limited time only)

Posted by: tachi
Date: 2009-09-20 15:45:07
You want a banner for your signature?
I'll see what I can do.

Re: Banners (limited time only)

Posted by: tachi
Date: 2009-09-20 16:01:13
Just one I did for glitch city
and shoop de whoop
And one for the hell of it
Click the last three to see full size[attachment=4].

Re: Banners (limited time only)

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2009-09-20 17:15:52
Do one with a Gardevoir in front of a psychic-inflamed (the flames should be white, blue, and purple instead of white, yellow, and orange) wasteland, exactly 500x250 and a PNG.

Re: Banners (limited time only)

Posted by: Angrysmurf
Date: 2009-09-20 20:03:16
Can you change into a banner?

Re: Banners (limited time only)

Posted by: tachi
Date: 2009-09-21 17:50:39
Sorry limit was yesterday when I was logged on Locked