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Metaphysics ideas - Page 1

Metaphysics ideas

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2019-09-10 08:05:17

Re: Metaphysics ideas

Posted by: bwill11
Date: 2019-09-10 14:00:04
This diagram is all over the place and I'm not sure what some of this has to do with metaphysics, why this is in art, or even if it's serious, considering "silly path analogies" is an actual part of the diagram.

Re: Metaphysics ideas

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2019-09-10 15:24:01
(*embarrassed as feel like come out with lots of stereotypically unusual stuff*) and it sounds strange, but its more of an idea dump than anything serious, so it's why it's in art. However it isn't a drawing/poem/etc. so yeah whether it belongs there is questionable. I admittedly don't properly understand the term metaphysics or know anything about philosophy at all, though it alludes to; maybe the most fundamental things all have opposites or anti-matter.

This then is also about attract and release. 'Up' is like gravity and other concepts I merged together. 'Down' is like how the universe seems to be expanding, loss of heat in systems, and other things I added but are not necessarily compatible. (Like its relation to life; first we eat but also excrete and also how some mammals store matter from externally (stereotypically females) others inject it (stereotypically males) or something like that).

I merged Samsara (like cyclic change) and also allusion to Taoism here too with other concepts. I don't know if there is anything I wanted to generally convey with it; however it's like - is the ultimate fate of things in the world to fade away (down), to accumulate and become more complex (up); despite heat death being accepted we don't know and science keeps asking questions that can't realistically be answered. One idea is that like a circle there is no beginning or end, the question however is when one of the forces overpowers the other (so say heat death; or say everything actually merges into one thing) will changes still occur? (So like, will another big bang occur after a big crunch etc.) The fact that we are in an unstable universe today (that theoretically by mathematics could be resolved) makes me wonder this and that even fundamental forces of reality could be like oscillating pendulums (not constant). The other thing is like a weird idea free will and determinism can co-exist but only in balance with each other but it's a shallow thought experiment that when thinking about what that means breaks down.

Re: Metaphysics ideas

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2019-09-10 15:46:16

This diagram is all over the place and I'm not sure what some of this has to do with metaphysics, why this is in art, or even if it's serious, considering "silly path analogies" is an actual part of the diagram.
Nah, it is serious, albeit maybe not very suited for a technology-oriented community (though inactivity here does help keep away the spam of holier-than-thou backlash it might receive in another). I've been there before, and ideas will be all over the place to the point you'll likely be embarrassed at yourself on more than one occasion. In a way I was lucky to come across concepts that stuck with me on the sooner side compared to most, but it still takes a lot of cross-referencing of different sources and experiences to decide where you really stand. And even if one stance differs from others, they all have their place in the grand scheme of things, hence "why a division by 0 can be anything you want it to be" to quote the original post.

Re: Metaphysics ideas

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2019-09-10 17:18:51

Nah, it is serious, albeit maybe not very suited for a technology-oriented community (though inactivity here does help keep away the spam of holier-than-thou backlash it might receive in another). I've been there before, and ideas will be all over the place to the point you'll likely be embarrassed at yourself on more than one occasion. In a way I was lucky to come across concepts that stuck with me on the sooner side compared to most, but it still takes a lot of cross-referencing of different sources and experiences to decide where you really stand. And even if one stance differs from others, they all have their place in the grand scheme of things, hence "why a division by 0 can be anything you want it to be" to quote the original post.

Thanks for your empathy :) (yes I identify with spirituality like you and imagine a lot so try to look into analogies to try to understand questions like why are we here and also (here) how the world might work. Sometimes when imagining if you relate; an idea feels meaningful but when broken down in writing cannot be explained adequately, then there is another element of embarrassment. I feel an urge to post these things as this is my favourite community but you're right it may not be suited for Pokémon glitching related forum/some people may feel confused.)

Re: Metaphysics ideas

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2019-09-11 17:03:20
Not a problem! For me when the basic concept of "question everything" first made its way to me I just couldn't make sense of the literally infinite alternate answers, especially seeing as the Internet's a thing. It works out in time, though, if you're determined to just help yourself become the person you want to be. In my case it mostly adds up to "just have fun", like I think you said in another post somewhere.

Absolutely agreed about this place too, by the way. I can't explain it any better than that I simply enjoy this site and forum on some sort of foundational level, whereas nearly every single other community I've been in has amounted to nothing more than temporary means to an end. In some cases I don't feel comfortable with them, but more often I just can't make myself be interested enough to stick around.

Re: Metaphysics ideas

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2020-02-27 06:10:20
What if there is a speed of darkness, faster than light; therefore giving the illusion of violating causation. C=3x10^8, what if black holes emit frequencies even higher than frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum (that all seem to have speed of c); hence absorb them, and are not the absence of light but higher light than electromagnetic spectrum (that our eyes just suck, but if we had better eyes might they look white?). Also there is some kind of constant 2.661 or something; it interesting has a use in biology for populations, yet you can apply it to physics in a strange way. Unfortunately I can't remember the video.

If relativity can be applied to space-time, could it be applied to more things? Also I like to think consciousness is like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle; thoughts and vision are closer to you but have relatively little effect on (future) matter (in your life)? Things furthest away from you have the most? Or is it actually the other way round, again relative to you; because hypothetical alien life at the opposite side of the universe doesn't even make it past your event horizon.