Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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Puzzle - Page 1


Posted by: Yeniaul
Date: 2016-08-24 19:49:53
I'm currently working on a puzzle website (although I have to use free hosting) that only those with extensive knowledge in information found here can solve. The page URL will be posted here.

There will be many pages, try to find them all! Dead ends will give clues on where you screwed up.
Collaboration is encouraged (I got to page <number>, here's how: ), but spoiling the fun (Do this to see the ending!) is NOT.  If someone spoils it, the site layout will change and you'll need to restart. So don't spoil it.

I may drop hints on this post or edit my older ones to include them, so watch for that. (There may be one already!) And this is fair warning so people can get ready.