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Emulation & ROM Hacking

I caught a trainer:P - Page 1

I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Bullseye117
Date: 2008-01-16 07:57:04
I discovered this glitch at total random using an emulator of Pokemon Red:

I wanted to capture a Golem since I cannot trade in an emulator so I used a Gameshark Cheat (Catch Golem in Tall Grass: 0131D8CF) to catch one. Instead of encountering one in Tall Grass I accidentally got challenged by a trainer, this is no problem since the trainer will act as if it's a golem (I caught Pokemon like this before) but I thought I could turn the Golem Cheat off again while still facing this "Golem Trainer". This is where it went wrong, I captured the Golem but instead of saying "Golem was Caught" it said "Trainer(with a glitch on the last square) was Caught".

So Now I have my very own Trainer Pokemon!
I wrote down the stats and characteristics as well:
- It appears as ball-shaped creature in the Pokemon list
- It's lvl 29 ATM
- Current health is 85/53 (even though I didn't attack it) after visiting PokeCenter 53/53
- It makes no sound when called to fight or when i check the stats
- Attack: 32  Defense: 47  Speed: 32  Special: 60
- Type 1: Electric  Type 2: N/A
- Appears in the picture as a Magnemite
- Knows 1 attack: Tackle

I then started to give it Rare Candies to see what would happen, I was surprised:

The only move he learned was the move "TM 05" at lvl 32 which in battle results in something that first looks lik an attack, but the only makes the Evade of "Trainer" greatly rise.

I also tried to give him some random TM's:

TM 15 - Hyper Beam: Not Able
TM 39 - Swift: Able
TM 38 - Fire Blast: Not Able
TM 24 - Thunderbolt: Able
TM 29 - Psychic: Not Able
TM 22 - Solar Beam: Not Able
TM 14 - Blizzard: Not Able
TM 01 - Mega Punch: Not Able
TM 48 - Rock Slide: Not Able

This was all I could discover about this glitch.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-01-16 08:07:52
Very nice there, and interesting. I've tried a few weird things, with codes, but never caught a trainer. Welcome to the forums, by the way.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Bullseye117
Date: 2008-01-16 09:34:26

In the meantime I tried to catch some more of these "Trainer Pokemon" and I discovered that the status as trainer is very important to get something new. If you catch a regular trainer on some route it won't do much different than my previous post, but i've also tried to catch the Elite Four!
All appeared at lvl 0 and with 10/10 hp

When I caught Lorelei it apeared as a Dragon type, but any use of this Pokemon will make the game glitch to the point that it will crash.
When I caught Bruno I had a glitch pokemon with the attacks "Wrap" and "Aurora Beam" which worked fine in battle, it did have a rather long name though.
Agatha turns into a glitchy Wigglytuff with the attacks "Sing", "Disable", "Defense Curl" and "Double Slap".
Lance turns into a glitchy Pidgeot with the attacks "Gust", "Sand-Attack" and "Quick Attack".

Gary is uncatchable, I've tried but failed since every time I catch him the stats screw up the game.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2008-01-16 10:13:48
What you got from the "Golem code" is [name=RB:205]… hex CD, standard Magnemite hybrid. Nothing new (I imagine the trainer you faced was a male Jr. Trainer?), however I'm surprised that you'd get the Jr. Trainer and [name=RB:205] from Golem's encounter code. You sure you typed that thing in right?

Lorelei… [name=RB:244].
Agatha… [name=RB:246].
Bruno… [name=RB:233].
Lance… [name=RB:247].

And finally, Champion Rival is [name=RB:243].

Oh, btw, welcome.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-01-16 11:10:22
Hmm. At the moment, I'm researching, Pokemon Glitches, to try and help with the Glitchdex, in infomation, or something. I'm still trying to deal with my R/B, once I've run out, I'll start on Yellow. But catching trainers, that's pretty weird, but cool. Catching Trainers. Sounds fun. I'd have to try that sometimes.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Kiryu
Date: 2008-03-26 15:59:54
Somehow I captured Brock. No idea how.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Ashandmisty
Date: 2008-04-06 13:08:34
There is a pokemon called "Trainer" in the coding. I'm guessing it is a placeholder for a pokemon they origanally was going to add in, Magnezone maybe? If you download the pokemon red/blue save game editor, you can add a pokemon to your party called "Trainer". TM05, well i think that was a mistake, maybe their finger slipped but thought they'd change it later? Well, by the looks of the Beta drawings for the game im sure this pokemon was going to be implemented ;)

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2008-04-06 14:33:22
-_- *sigh*

The glitch pokemon is the TRAINER pokemon.  There is no beta "Magnezone" in R/B/Y betas if there is any.

TM05 is a glitch move and is located at the ending of the attack hex list.  It starts at TM 01 and ends at TM 55.

And uhh… WHAT BETA DRAWINGS? (This pokemon is a glitch pokemon NOTHING else.)

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Ashandmisty
Date: 2008-04-07 07:09:32
Before the game was released they had drawings of designs of pokemon. If you remember, most of the pokemon were drawn differently back then, there was some kind of pokemon that looked like magnezone. They also had drawings of Ho-oh hence it being in the anime. "Trainer" is an unfinished version of Magnezone (i dont think it was called magnezone back then but i dont read japanese lol)

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Yuzihax
Date: 2008-04-07 08:05:58

"Trainer" is an unfinished version of Magnezone (i dont think it was called magnezone back then but i dont read japanese lol)


The glitch pokemon is the TRAINER pokemon.  There is no beta "Magnezone" in R/B/Y betas if there is any.

You should seriously take GARY M 9 seriously, there isn't any beta, nor 'unfinished' Magnezone, and even on the extremely off chance there is (Which, there isn't even a chance, it's just not there.), it's sure as hell not Trainer.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Ashandmisty
Date: 2008-04-07 10:16:01
I dont think you get what im trying to say. I'll break it down for you: When pokemon R/G/B were in development, Game Freak drew some of the pokemon designs. There was a pokemon on there that looked similar to Magnezone. It may not have been called Magnezone back then because i cant read japanese so i dont know what the caption said.

My theory is (so it may not be true) that this pokemon was originally going to be in the slot where the pokemon "Trainer" is (hence it being alot like Magnemite). TM05 was maybe an ACCIDENT when they were designing it but they left it because they scrapped this idea. Where they got the name "Trainer" i do not know, maybe it was a placeholder.

All the above is what i know, the first paragraph is fact, the second is theory. If you'd want me to do a thorough search for the design pictures i will but i may be unsuccessful.

This glitch just somehow made the pokemon "Trainer" appear.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2008-04-07 12:49:38
Correct me if I am wrong, but my explainations:

I dont think you get what im trying to say. I'll break it down for you: When pokemon R/G/B were in development, Game Freak drew some of the pokemon designs. There was a pokemon on there that looked similar to Magnezone. It may not have been called Magnezone back then because i cant read japanese so i dont know what the caption said
It was most likely Magneton. It was probably a quick or original drawing so distorted from the finals.

My theory is (so it may not be true) that this pokemon was originally going to be in the slot where the pokemon "Trainer" is (hence it being alot like Magnemite).
No, The "Pokemon slot" is a trainer, and it is Jr. Trainer Male (Abwayax told you that) You can't fit a Secret Beta Pokemon there
Yes, they have had pokemon that were planned to appear in games but most have appeared in the next generation, none have been left out for 3 generations, That is almost 13 years.

TM05 was maybe an ACCIDENT when they were designing it but they left it because they scrapped this idea.
Actually it is a name overlap, The names are a massive list of Hex, relating to a certain place, if it isn't on the list, it goes to the next name anyway, hence there is a massive block of inproper names that are incorrectly read as it is supposed to seperate moves from the next block.

Where they got the name "Trainer" i do not know, maybe it was a placeholder.
See above

This glitch just somehow made the pokemon "Trainer" appear.
It is because you didn't find Golem at all, you found Hex CD, which is a trainer, and caught Hex CD, which is a glitch that just so happens to be called TRAINER▓ for our amusement.

Hope that explains what others have failed to explain to you.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Ashandmisty
Date: 2008-10-17 07:29:53
Nope. Still confused with what you are trying to say. How can JR. Trainer be in a Pokemon slot? Trainer is the most stable glitch Pokemon there is, I'm sure it was meant to be a real Pokemon that got dropped out. Or come to think of it…oh my god, just when typing this i have another theory!! Remember that Game Freak originally wanted a boy/girl feature in the game? Maybe this was going to be the place for the female trainer's pic…

I don't know..I like to make theories.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Yuzihax
Date: 2008-10-17 11:58:46
…yeah…quit spouting those nonsensical theories.
This isn't a site for you to dump those theories on, especially those that aren't backed up with anything aside from your own assumption and weak speculation.

So yeah, quit it with the theories, this isn't the place.

Re: I caught a trainer:P

Posted by: Ashandmisty
Date: 2008-10-18 06:37:31

…yeah…quit spouting those nonsensical theories.
This isn't a site for you to dump those theories on, especially those that aren't backed up with anything aside from your own assumption and weak speculation.

So yeah, quit it with the theories, this isn't the place.

No need to be harsh  D:

I dont see in the rules that you cannot make theories…