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Emulation & ROM Hacking

Pokemon Ancient (Ruby hack) in the making! - Page 1

Pokemon Ancient (Ruby hack) in the making!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-02-24 13:01:39
Hey finally i am making my own hack of ruby. Basicly i'm just hacking the maps and the sprites.
Could anyone send me a link to a text hacking tutorial?  thanks  ;)

Re: Pokemon Ancient (Ruby hack) in the making!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-05-05 23:12:56
here are some screenshots of my new hack

Re: Pokemon Ancient (Ruby hack) in the making!

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-05-06 01:15:24
Looks nice. What's the storyline?

Re: Pokemon Ancient (Ruby hack) in the making!

Posted by: atoms2ashes
Date: 2008-05-06 05:31:43
Cool hack!

Do you NOW know how to use AdvanceText? If not, I could teach you…

Re: Pokemon Ancient (Ruby hack) in the making!

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-05-07 18:43:51
thanks  ;)
well the story line is about a little man who is (sorry if this offends any of you) part of the Taliban, and basically goes through the game defeating the evil Al'Qaeda (Replacement of Team Magma and Aqua) there are some glitches that I need to fix or the storyline doesn't make sense  -_-
Most of the world of Hoenn is now desert (like Oman) with many Arabic buildings and Arabic people, mind you that I've made some of them swear like troopers

EDIT: Yes I know how to use Advance Text, but not fully… It seems I can only hack the intro and littleroot townspeople text, maybe you could help me on that, Atoms

Re: Pokemon Ancient (Ruby hack) in the making!

Posted by: atoms2ashes
Date: 2008-05-10 05:41:39
So when you try to hack text, what happens?

There's a list on the left. When you edit text, make sure to click "Save"

If that doesn't work, try to make the text you type as long as the original text. If not, the game will glitch if you make it longer. If you make it shorter, you can't make it longer.

If that's not the case, PM me.