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what's the best energy drink? - Page 2

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: LedZeplin2
Date: 2008-01-11 19:51:06
It's not an impossibility…

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: RPBnimrod
Date: 2008-01-11 19:52:12

Is there really any good in energy drinks? I mean, they can get you so hyped up, you might perform weird acts and accidentally kill myself. For someone like me with natural hyperactivity already (extreme), drinking an energy drink is basically commiting suicide.

Well, when I get sleep I can usually be hyperactively hyper, but when I do all-nighterz (stayin up all night secretly playin computer gamez and GCL'S) I'll be hyper all night, but NEED caffeine for school dayZ. (the answer to staying up all night is to eat very little for dinner and hunger will keep you awake for all that want to)

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: RPBnimrod
Date: 2008-01-11 19:54:53
To answer Led's ?  the amount of liquid in your gut would kill you  due to internal bleeding before you had a heart attack due to caffeine.

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: LedZeplin2
Date: 2008-01-11 19:58:20
What happens if a person with hyperactivity disorder takes an energy drink?

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: RPBnimrod
Date: 2008-01-11 20:21:04
I have that problem when I meet my best friends. The drink makes you feel tired abd calm for a while, then you have a hangover and feel like shit :P

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: Don Watermeleon
Date: 2008-01-12 22:42:51
Wow, no one's said any of the obvious answers like Gatorade or Powerade?

They're the best, since they're the most advertised. Duh. :P

(Orange and Red *first four letters*rades are pretty good, though.)

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2008-01-12 22:44:48

Wow, no one's said any of the obvious answers like Gatorade or Powerade?

They're the best, since they're the most advertised. Duh. :P

(Orange and Red *first four letters*rades are pretty good, though.)

I like Propel.

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: RPBnimrod
Date: 2008-01-13 01:19:57

Wow, no one's said any of the obvious answers like Gatorade or Powerade?

They're the best, since they're the most advertised. Duh. :P

(Orange and Red *first four letters*rades are pretty good, though.)

Wow, no one's said any of the obvious answers like Gatorade or Powerade?

They're the best, since they're the most advertised. Duh. :P

(Orange and Red *first four letters*rades are pretty good, though.)

I like Propel.


Those are vitalizing, thirst quenching, and hydration drinks.

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: Bassmasta
Date: 2008-02-07 21:24:49


PWN'D, there are 5 or more flavorz.

EDIT: ^FTS^ (fuck this shit), move along, nothing to see on this ^ post ^

I just saw Mother and Fury the other day while looking for energy drinks. I ended up getting a 4 pack of Blue Demon for only about $5.00 because that's all there really was besides Fury and Mother. It tastes tart, then sweet and is a really good flavor. I'll go and get Mother and Fury probably tomorrow or Saturday.

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: RPBnimrod
Date: 2008-02-07 21:41:35
Mother's pretty good, and Fury's okay. ROCKSTAR is amazing though, it makes you remember the day that you drink it fondly, but don't constantly drink the same E-drink every day, or the goodness will fade down into nothing for that certian drink.

Re: what's the best energy drink?

Posted by: Bassmasta
Date: 2008-02-28 00:12:50
I just had a 16 oz. Green Monster and a 24 oz. Rockstar Juiced today, one right after another. They were fucking awesome!! I had one right after another, and I'm generally a calm person, but I was mega hyper, which I never am. I also bought four Full Throttles, and two more Rockstars.