Re: I got shot today.
Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2008-02-16 18:59:22
RPBnimrod I think you have been taking the "IDEOT PILLS"…You crazy guy.
That's sure true.
He is crazy.
There is nothing wrong with being
crazy, I'm Psycho, so what?
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RPBnimrod I think you have been taking the "IDEOT PILLS"…You crazy guy.
That's sure true.
He is crazy.
I dont mind vaccines, but some vaccines in some regions of america have problems with lead or something, causing autism in some people -.-
I think the Autism belief (MMR Vaccine) thing was discovered to be infact caused by the injection being given at the time that the signs of autism first being seen, so people assumed that the injection caused autism, but infact it had already started but the signs were unseen. As autism is a fault with the genes and injections cannot change genes.
Of course one scientist (Andrew Wakefield) was determinded that it caused it, and that caused a worldwide scare. Though if I remember correctly, most of the team working with this scientist decided that there was no link, but still he continued to work. The only think he has done is prove himself wrong.
The worst thing vaccines can do is not work. Vaccines aren't dangerous, stop avoiding them.
RPBnimrod I think you have been taking the "IDEOT PILLS"…You crazy guy.
I dont mind vaccines, but some vaccines in some regions of america have problems with lead or something, causing autism in some people -.-
I think that the government will add more than vacienes to there needles if you know what I mean *MIND CONTROL* *GROWTH HORMONES* *IDEOT PILLS*…
by who?
I dont mind vaccines, but some vaccines in some regions of america have problems with lead or something, causing autism in some people -.-
RPBnimrod I think you have been taking the "IDEOT PILLS"…You crazy guy.