Posted by: Yuzihax
Date: 2008-06-22 20:14:00
The Original SMF PGC!
After working for a good while of trying to get back in to the freaking hosting account, then having to get stuff resynchronized, then resetting the password, THEN manually taking PGC off Maintenance Mode, then blahblahblah more technical crap.
Point is, the original thing is back online! Whee!
(Sort of a pointless topic, but I'm just soo glad to have it back XD)
EDIT: If you DO look, please don't bring up the errors at the top, after being in maintenance mode for so long, it kinda made the old pass protect boards mod freak out, and I can't delete it for whatever reason, so you'll just have to please ignore it.
EDIT 3: Disabled CAPTCHA, all may register.
So yeah, registration is fucked.