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Nightmare - Page 1


Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2009-06-07 21:42:17
So I had this nightmare, which doesn't SOUND scary, but hey.

So what happened was I was at school and I saw Godzilla. It was the end of school, and as we were leaving he started to get angry. We took some weird route home, part of which included bouncing off of a telephone wire. When we got home, we were safe, but my sister wanted to go see Godzilla and my dad said yes. At that point I got very scared and woke up.

Anybody have ANY idea what this means?

EDIT: I have been recently been having palpitations and will be graduating soon. I suppose those could have something to do with it.

Re: Nightmare

Posted by: Krisp
Date: 2009-06-08 09:53:28
It doesn't really mean anything. I've dreamt of all kinds of weird stuff from giant apes stomping my town to the ground to little midgets riding on a train (I live next to a train track) throwing magic dust at stuff and turning them into tornados.

But then again, I'm also largely afraid of gorillas and tornados, so maybe that had something to do it with. Did you watch any Godzilla movies as a kid that scared you?

Congrats on graduating by the way.

Re: Nightmare

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2009-06-08 17:22:04

But no, I actually find Godzilla funny. The reason I was scared is because my sister wanted to go see him. And he was having some RAGE.

Were you scared of the Wizard of Oz, perchance?

Actually, the reason I am wondering this is because most, if not all, nightmares are made to epitomise something that is bothering the mind subconsciously.

Re: Nightmare

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-06-08 20:03:19

Actually, the reason I am wondering this is because most, if not all, nightmares are made to epitomise something that is bothering the mind subconsciously.

Not really, it's just a collection of thoughts from times past that come together in a disturbing way.

Re: Nightmare

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2009-06-08 20:33:30
Yes, but generally your thoughts are of certain things that have recently happened, certain emotional feelings.

Re: Nightmare

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-06-08 21:36:22

Yes, but generally your thoughts are of certain things that have recently happened, certain emotional feelings.

True, but it could be something such as you saw a news report on something about death and you talked to your grandmother on the same day, and you had a dream about your grandmother dying.

Re: Nightmare

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2009-06-08 22:39:05

Yes, but generally your thoughts are of certain things that have recently happened, certain emotional feelings.

True, but it could be something such as you saw a news report on something about death and you talked to your grandmother on the same day, and you had a dream about your grandmother dying.

Most of the time dreams don't mean anything unless they're more or less coherent, so I treat people who claim to interpret all of them as such (i.e. "Flying dreams mean you are sexually repressed") as I treat astrologers and palm readers. If you had several dreams that (partially) involved not finding your classes next year, then you're worried about that. However, if you had a dream about leaving school and finding an angry Godzilla, then your mind is probably just rambling.