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Massive YouTube blackout! - Page 1

Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2009-06-28 19:36:18
The dudes who are against the beta channels are planning to all log off of YouTube for a day on July 14! So log out on July 14! Until July 15 or 16!

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Bassmasta
Date: 2009-06-28 20:53:25
The video doesn't work.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-06-28 21:02:42
It will be just like the Fred thing.
It won't work.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2009-06-28 21:27:17
What Fred thing?

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2009-06-29 00:29:05
I support this.

I can't stand the beta channels.  They put an unnecessary drain on my computer and prevent easy access to video pages, instead forcing us to watch them in the channel with no way of accessing comments, video responses, etc.

Don't bother looking for kantotv or uktvfan01 on 7/14.  I won't be there.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-06-29 10:48:31
I won't log into Youtube, but I can still watch videos, right? I gotta check everyday, in case someone puts up English subtitled Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2 episode 4.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Phrawger
Date: 2009-06-29 11:45:02
Key part of the video is "The last one failed hard". It won't work.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Kyoukipichi
Date: 2009-06-29 12:25:50
The beta channel design looks rather ugly to me.

Though, I don't log into YouTube much, so my not logging in on July 14-16 would have less impact anyway.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Zach the Glitch Buster
Date: 2009-07-01 10:02:44
I actually love the new beta channels and will not be part of this Youtube Blackout. Its, in my option, extremely useless. Who cares if even 50% of Youtube members didn't log in for two days. They will all be back later because Youtube is such a part of peoples lives now most people are not just going to dump it. The .01% that will never log on again is insignificant and will be quickily replaced with new Youtube accounts. Its just like Facebook and the changing layout. As Facebook's layout changed, people were all very negative and threatened to leave. But when it was obvious that there would be no changing back, people just sucked it up and used the new Facebook. Same thing with Youtube. You may not like the Beta channels but when there forced on you, you will take action for a short amount of time and then find the desire to go onto Youtube again and just live with the new beta channels. You wouldn't expect it but when you look, the Internet is really conservative.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Phrawger
Date: 2009-07-01 10:05:37
Zach, you deserve 400 internets.

I too actually like the new look and realize that nobody is going to stop using youtube completely after it's changed.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2009-07-01 10:15:06
So do I.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Missingno.7-4468
Date: 2009-07-01 12:52:47
I don't even have a Youtube Account, so I don't really care at all.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Krisp
Date: 2009-07-02 11:10:10
I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone here, but this is incredibly immature and it's nothing I wouldn't expect from YouTubers (the ones who are responsible for the dreaded "youtube comments.") So what if I couple of 11-15 year olds who oppose Youtube's new channel design don't log in for a few days?

The internet changes all the time. I remember back in the day what AIM, YIM, and MSNM looked like, and even though I disliked the upgraded versions at first, it soon became a standard. Youtube will succeed with their new channel designs, whether you like it or not, because everything changes eventually.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Kyoukipichi
Date: 2009-07-02 11:44:54
Obviously users would not quit using YouTube, as there's many reasons they go on it everyday. You can't really kill off a behemoth, especially not on the Internet.

I am merely speaking my opinion that the new channel design is ugly, as I would prefer the more simplastic version for the account I have.

And the partcipants of the blackout are merely speaking their displeasure through boycotting it for one day. The way they go about announcing it is pretty immature, but it's perfectly normal for anyone to try sending over a message that they aren't happy and that they would like some compromise for it.

As for me, I don't really care if they switch, I don't really use YouTube much anyway. But, I do believe it would be nice if YouTube did allow an option for the channel owner to switch designs.

It was never implied that people were going to leave, only do a blackout for one day. It would be rather strange if anyone left due to the change, because YouTube is about the video watching, not the page designs. But, if they left due to it having adverse effects on their computer's performance, then I would agree it makes sense.

On the other hand, they CAN easily leave YouTube if the channel design frusturates them that much, as there are hundreds of other sites like YouTube on the Internet. Or, they don't even have to leave at all, as there are ways to get the service without the standard interface. For example, I use MSN, but don't have to see advertisements or MSN's standard look, as I use Pidgin instead of Microsoft's standard MSN client. And even if Pidgin does change the way it looks and I dislike the result, I can just edit Pidgin's source code to change it back.

Re: Massive YouTube blackout!

Posted by: Adam glitch
Date: 2009-07-05 17:20:38
I'm just anoyed because apparently, the new chanel design won't be accessable on the 360 =(