Its actually amazing how many Sonic community Members are on GCLF
Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2009-07-19 22:27:56
Let's see now. There's:
Glisp (A.K.A Me.)
Dani (The person listed above in the link.)
Abwayax (Of course)
Tweaker (I've heard he's a member everywhere or so says Tongara anyway.)
GARY 'M 9 (Of course.)
Krisp (Toasty on Sonic Retro.)
Yuzihax (Although I'm not sure if he counts since he's never coming back.)
If your name wasn't mentioned here then please let me know. I'm actually trying to see how many Sonic community members are a part of GCLF because I honestly have nothing better to do with my life than do silly head counts for no reason other than my own boredom.