Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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Complaining cuz your banned on a furom for a bad reason - Page 1

Complaining cuz your banned on a furom for a bad reason

Posted by: Lishy
Date: 2006-10-08 02:51:44
This is the thread to complain all you want cuz you were banned on a furom that u think is a stupied reason

I was banned on becuase of this pm

Would you mind telling me what in the name of all that's gone wrong in this world <a href="my">">my Micheal Jackson sprite is doing in your eye-piercing image?</a>

See why I didnt understand what he ment at first?

He said "MY" so technicly its offsite!

Not only that but is that a reason for a bann?Without any warnings or anything?Couldent he just edit it out my layout?

I liked links quest for ass so i put a pic of it as my layout >_>

And its barely a stolen sprite.It was just old man from legend of zelda accept coloring his coat the color of his skin then adding 2 nipples.There was any private parts!

Re: Complaining cuz your banned on a furom for a bad reason

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-10-08 12:03:35
Is this really needed?
I was suspened once but not banned.
There is no point in this.


Re: Complaining cuz your banned on a furom for a bad reason

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-10-08 13:32:06
Actually, I think it will be okay on the general board.

I never got supensed or banned from a site, even though I did break a few rules. (I go on some forums that have way too many rules for most people to remember.)

Re: Complaining cuz your banned on a furom for a bad reason

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-10-08 17:38:46
I was once banned on the missingno forums. By CRYSTAL MEW. :(

Re: Complaining cuz your banned on a furom for a bad reason

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-10-08 21:34:08
Good thing there are other admins. :P

Re: Complaining cuz your banned on a furom for a bad reason

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2006-10-09 01:13:01
I was banned from the ProBoards support board for posting a way to screw up the layout. :\

Re: Complaining cuz your banned on a furom for a bad reason

Posted by: pokemon_yellow
Date: 2006-10-20 16:28:37
i was suspened from one site,banned from the shoutbox and warned nuerous times but i was a n00b then :-P

Re: Complaining cuz your banned on a furom for a bad reason

Posted by: PokemonPichu
Date: 2006-10-20 16:45:01
Banned from the shoutbox here? I will unban you if that's so.