Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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General Discussion

so - Page 1


Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2012-05-28 17:34:20
i miss you guys.
and i miss when this place used to be super active.
hopefully that happens again but i'm just getting really nostalgic.

Re: so

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2012-05-28 20:47:19
Damn, I missed these times. Joined GCL during the temp forum thing. :/

Re: so

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2012-05-29 04:35:38
It does seem to be only the good parts of the internet that die, which is very unfortunate

Re: so

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2012-05-29 21:40:03

Re: so

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2012-05-30 15:23:11

It does seem to be only the good parts of the internet that die, which is very unfortunate

Maybe we'll come back to life! I mean we all check this website somewhat regularly… it's just we're never online at the same time, plus it's hard getting new members since we've been gone forever.

Re: so

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2012-05-30 15:55:21
The glitching itself died, that's why we don't get new members and the newer posts are pretty much only unrelated things (except for some coding glitches IIMarckus finds). But if the people who's still alive come at same time, maybe some sort of chat could be active or something. (the HoO forum is deader than this but its chat is still somewhat active)

Btw, does this forum have a working chat? That IRC thing from Wiki's homepage seems to be dead.

Re: so

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2012-05-30 19:44:14
The website is technically still not online yet. This is public beta. When the website will be ready to go fully public there'll be a mass email sent out to all members.

Re: so

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2012-05-30 20:33:03
Ah k.

Re: so

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2012-06-01 22:36:03

The website is technically still not online yet. This is public beta. When the website will be ready to go fully public there'll be a mass email sent out to all members.

Any timetable for going public?

Re: so

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2012-06-02 13:59:11

The glitching itself died, that's why we don't get new members and the newer posts are pretty much only unrelated things (except for some coding glitches IIMarckus finds). But if the people who's still alive come at same time, maybe some sort of chat could be active or something. (the HoO forum is deader than this but its chat is still somewhat active)

Btw, does this forum have a working chat? That IRC thing from Wiki's homepage seems to be dead.

Maybe we could open up to other parts of the fandom, along with glitches, to attract people, I'd be willing to help. And yeah the IRC thing is dead and idk what happened to #infinitybar
it'd be nice to at least get another chat up…

Re: so

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2012-06-02 16:18:58
To be honest, once I'm done with the maintenance and the site is fully back up, I'll be stepping down and letting someone else take over the site (I've already decided who but I'm not revealing yet). If that person wants to take GCL in that direction, that's their decision and not mine.

Personally, I'd have liked to increase the community's appeal to more creative segments of the fandom, especially spriters and hack/fangame artists, but I believe the last few times I've brought it up few others agreed with that.

Re: so

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2012-06-17 17:36:39

To be honest, once I'm done with the maintenance and the site is fully back up, I'll be stepping down and letting someone else take over the site (I've already decided who but I'm not revealing yet). If that person wants to take GCL in that direction, that's their decision and not mine.

Personally, I'd have liked to increase the community's appeal to more creative segments of the fandom, especially spriters and hack/fangame artists, but I believe the last few times I've brought it up few others agreed with that.

I wonder who… :P
I agree with you bro.