Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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General Discussion

5000th Topic - Page 2

Re: 5000th Topic

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2014-03-04 01:02:37

Obligatory "Bring this picture back from the depths of 2006/2007" post

How was I not included in this? I said all sorts of crazy s**t back then lol

It might have just been IRC people? I'm not sure. Were you active in 2006/2007? I think it was before I met you.

Yeah we knew each other then. I was active on chat and forums lol. Oh and that's
when me and you were both global moderators. Good times..
Anyways it's all good I didn't take it personal I was just curious : p

Re: 5000th Topic

Posted by: Missingnoguy55
Date: 2014-03-04 01:25:12

I felt really odd after playing the Assassin's Creed III DLC. I'm a fan of alternate history/realities so I was compelled to play it, and when I beat it, I had a horrible vision.

You see, the DLC revolves around an alternate timeline where George Washington goes mad with power after using an artifact called an Apple of Eden. For those who haven't played the series, an Apple of Eden is a legendary artifact from the time of Adam and Eve that allows human mind control. It is impossible to use without being corrupted morally or dying unless the user has a specific genetic pattern. There are about 7 known Apples of Eden.

The specific Apple George Washington was using was the third. This one is unique as it was self-aware and could manipulate people who were not wielding it at any given time. But moving on.

I realized if the events of the DLC happened in real history, it would shift the course of time so sincerely that today we would have never existed or been born, nor our parents, nor our grandparents.

This theory was hard to grasp at first but when I finally grasped it I felt horrible. I realized my friends would have never existed, my family would have never existed, all my interests would have never existed, Mega64 would have never existed, Xanatos would have never existed, Valve would have never existed. Hell, even where I live wouldn't exist.

Being a sensitive guy, that's when it hit me that these forums or the people wouldn't exist, and I shed a tear.

I love you all and I wish there was something I could give back.

Re: 5000th Topic

Posted by: tachi
Date: 2014-03-04 22:47:10

I love you all and I wish there was something I could give back.

how about more breadmen?

Re: 5000th Topic

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2014-03-05 00:06:56
Oh wait, there's a party thread? Huh.

Been about a few months since the last one so ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

(Though the reason is completely invalid :<)

:P where's photon?
Here he's been profitin on them keys >.>

GCL HAS NO ACTIVITY WHAT SO EVER RIGHT NOW so I've been chillin elsewhere.

Oh, and as for TF2 Keys and TF2 trading, I haven't touched that in over a week (though I should be back on that in two days or so)

Re: 5000th Topic

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2014-03-05 00:59:25

GCL HAS NO ACTIVITY WHAT SO EVER RIGHT NOW so I've been chillin elsewhere.

>acknowledge GCLF has no activity
>knowingly contribute to lack of activity
u wot m8

Re: 5000th Topic

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2014-03-06 23:40:37


I felt really odd after playing the Assassin's Creed III DLC. I'm a fan of alternate history/realities so I was compelled to play it, and when I beat it, I had a horrible vision.

You see, the DLC revolves around an alternate timeline where George Washington goes mad with power after using an artifact called an Apple of Eden. For those who haven't played the series, an Apple of Eden is a legendary artifact from the time of Adam and Eve that allows human mind control. It is impossible to use without being corrupted morally or dying unless the user has a specific genetic pattern. There are about 7 known Apples of Eden.

The specific Apple George Washington was using was the third. This one is unique as it was self-aware and could manipulate people who were not wielding it at any given time. But moving on.

I realized if the events of the DLC happened in real history, it would shift the course of time so sincerely that today we would have never existed or been born, nor our parents, nor our grandparents.

This theory was hard to grasp at first but when I finally grasped it I felt horrible. I realized my friends would have never existed, my family would have never existed, all my interests would have never existed, Mega64 would have never existed, Xanatos would have never existed, Valve would have never existed. Hell, even where I live wouldn't exist.

Being a sensitive guy, that's when it hit me that these forums or the people wouldn't exist, and I shed a tear.

I love you all and I wish there was something I could give back.

Give me the Apples of Eden.