Cynthias Garchomp
Posted by: Exegutt0r
Date: 2016-08-27 15:51:16
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I have PTSD from that one leader from Platinum's Cranidos. fucking hell
That thing can go f**k itself too.
>I'll just have Machop use Karate Chop or Low Kick or something!
>Game gets bitchy being a Nintendo product and all
>Doesn't like when the player might win
I did not understand a single word of that post.
It's like poetry.
I did not understand a single word of that post.
It's like poetry.
I did not understand a single word of that post.
It's like poetry.
I feel like you could pretty much rearrange the sentence and get the same amount of readability.
Known-good jumping Yellow everytime. Rage dump ensues. to blow data in SRAM upon delivering mid-final to end Pokémon rival's reign generation
I did not understand a single word of that post.
It's like poetry.
I feel like you could pretty much rearrange the sentence and get the same amount of readability.
Known-good jumping Yellow everytime. Rage dump ensues. to blow data in SRAM upon delivering mid-final to end Pokémon rival's reign generation
Don't give me sarcasm.