Re: Yeniaul's Discord Server (and rules)
Posted by: Parzival
Date: 2017-04-19 19:44:22
Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.
You can join Glitch City Research Institute to ask questions or discuss current developments.
You may also download the archive of this forum in .tar.gz, .sql.gz, or .sqlite.gz formats.
'Cause you can't send messages but in #guest unless you are granted permission to.
Should've asked there (or here, it works too). I gave you the role.
If there's a ban from your IP, it'll tell you the link's busted even if you're not the one that was banned. Got a proxy? VPN? You can find some good free lists for proxies at least…
am i banned or something, because none of the links work for me and i'm really itching to get back into glitching.[font=comic sans ms][size=8pt]rhyme intentional[/size][/font]
my discord is big man dan#3383 if anybody who is an admin wants to check
am i banned or something, because none of the links work for me and i'm really itching to get back into glitching.[font=comic sans ms][size=8pt]rhyme intentional[/size][/font]
my discord is big man dan#3383 if anybody who is an admin wants to check