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General Discussion

Hobbies - Page 1


Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2020-03-21 16:07:45
Other than computing, what are our hobbies? :) I like walking, now gardening/plant care, also swimming but am crap at swimming. I like Japanese but can't write much. There are Discord groups for joining to help. It may seem tough but with lots of practise/whatever depending on your rate, you can get used to it. Immersion is good. I recommend Japanese For Busy People, verb conjugation books, and JWPCE is a good free dictionary (you may want to buy a physical one though). If beginner, grab flash cards and try spaced repetition, which may help. Ah there are also open source spaced repetition software (Anki?). If can afford though can be expensive, there are Japanese schools online. I don't like Rosetta Stone, instead meet a teacher/sensei in public. Also I can teach you some but consider me a 5 year old.

Re: Hobbies

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2020-03-26 19:43:27
As a complete shut-in my hobbies include:
- Playing video games
- Reading
- Writing
- Listening to music
- Watching movies/TV (been on a Walker, Texas Ranger kick recently)
- Driving
- Singing, although I usually do that while driving
- Shitposting

I am a very boring man.

Re: Hobbies

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2020-03-28 00:08:51
This is a good topic!

I participate in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournaments in my off-time. I typically host tournaments around the region, too, including majors. It's a fun time-sink that's super rewarding. I like organizing a community. Oddly enough, I learned how to do that here, at GCL. Funny how that works.

My more casual hobbies include traveling, going on walks, working out (though I can't go to the gym right now because the gym is closed :(), and cats. My goal this year is to travel to somewhere outside of North America, but it doesn't look like I'll get to do that for a while.

Re: Hobbies

Posted by: colin5354
Date: 2020-06-13 15:12:36
This is a hard one! I have so many hobbies and they all take up a good chunk of my time, but if I had to pick one, it would be writing. For some of my hobbies, my interest in them tends to ebb and flow, but writing seems to be my one constant. Whenever I become obsessed with a certain time period, I can research and hunt for information and then create my own characters in these time periods. Many of my story ideas come to me through dreams and while the end result is far from what it was in my dream, I am able to release that thought process from a dream into a full-length short story or book.

Re: Hobbies

Posted by: Ryccardo
Date: 2020-06-13 16:26:49
Fixing free electronics abandoned outside trash cans (not that rarely already in working order…) and driving around, heh

Re: Hobbies

Posted by: Ritecraft
Date: 2020-06-23 15:48:49
Mostly writing and playing TTRPG and TCG games. Used to do a lot of hobby coding projects but ever since I took a lead-ish role in a software project at work (which was and still is struggling with deadlines) I have this tickling guilty feeling whenever I code something that is not related to my job .