Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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This Concludes Our Bertcast Day - Page 1

This Concludes Our Bertcast Day

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2020-08-01 00:10:24
I am a man of few words unless they revolve around dinosaurs or the A-Team, and this post features neither of those things.

I found GCLF in 2012 after my first Internet home died, and while I never contributed anything of actual worth here I've thoroughly enjoyed the 8 years of shenanigans I got to experience. Actually you could delete all my posts and I don't think anything would really change. But while I didn't add anything useful to the forums, I made lots of friends through my shitposting career and I will treasure you all forever or until Alzheimer's wipes you from my memories.

Thanks for a fun 8 years!


Also I clogged the toilet again.

Re: This Concludes Our Bertcast Day

Posted by: Couldntthinkofaname
Date: 2020-08-01 12:47:27

Also I clogged the toilet again.

Bert, do you have any idea how expensive these toilets are? You're footing the bill this time >:(