Re: SMF 2.0 Upgrade
Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2008-03-18 20:27:14
mod that works with SMF 2.0 Beta 3 Public.
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mod that works with SMF 2.0 Beta 3 Public.
Ok, lets calm down now shall we? For the next week or so, things will be slightly screwy. Suck it up. Your sig may not work properly, sorry. You don't get censorship. Grow up, you can just ignore them from the time being. Also, mind you swearing is not against the rules, [size=5pt]seeing as only mods have bitched about censorship, they should know better.[/size], and the censorship option was a convenience.
Stop insulting me!
I'm 10, I can't handle unsensored swears!
I can't handle, "f**k".
"worked your ass off"…? No, you spammed the same goddamn smiley-abusing post over and over again. Definitely not hard work, and not something worth keeping around 2-year-old software for.
Like I said, this place, would be beter off without spammers. If spammers, have a rank, they should be demoted, in my optinion. Maybe, there should be a usergroup, for them who want to spam, witch I find, rather stupid, because it only makes you want to be a an attention, seeker. I don't mean to offend, anyone, but it's true. Also, is there a reason, why my posts, aren't going up?