Re: SMF 2.0 Upgrade
Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2008-03-19 14:24:15
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Okay I went way, way too far!!, but it's over now! I'm finished with it! Ban me from competitions if you will! I'm just sick of ranting about old things! I already promised that I would never do it again! Why can't I be accepted here?! Tell me already!!!
It was Spam and Win, a "spam competition" in the Forum games. RPB went way, way too far!!
There is, under your profile's look and layout prefernces. There will be a link that says change theme, or something like that, where you could choose the regular GCL-style skin. Its still a little different, though.
lol Yeah, I do. My forums, it's alittle different, where you have an orangey bar, under your name, and how much it is. Wonder if there's away to change this skin, into a GCL-style skin?
Well now with updated *who's online bar* at the bottom of the main page, there are many more options for usergroups. Now this is used to show what rank people who are logged in have. So why is the Banned usergroup there, because there never logging in, are they?
Well, I found two patches that will make some people happy: <– quote/code boxes <– spoilers for those who miss them.
patch for this SMF version since there's now one for this version. Tell me if any weird effects happen from this install and I'll uninstall it.