Re: Triumphant Return
Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2008-08-06 17:58:58
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Why can't we use AdBlock Plus exactly? It might sound stupid but I didn't really get it…or what's wrong with using it? I can't see any ads, I never realized there was any 'till I disabled it.
Yes, lets try to find better hosting.
That was unexpected.
I tried byethost actually… there was an issue with some 404 ad redirection page or something (something similar to this). I assumed their service was hiccuping at the time because MLT_REQ was having the same problem.
Now it works, but I'm not quite sure I want to go through all that trouble of moving again, especially as this database is so large that importing it through phpmyadmin seems to cause it to break. I guess then if I want the site moved to Byet, I'll get another admin to do it - maybe Mr. AdBlock Plus would like to lend a hand?
Edit: Yeah, I said this was one of 3 (that I found). Byethost was the second, and x10hosting was the third (almost exactly like profusehost except they make you log in to their forum every 2 weeks)
Perhaps putting them in the (unused) rightmenu?
Psst…Adblock Plus
It leaves the gray line above and below the "post" by the Advertising Metapod, but any wider and it would hide every single post on the entire page. The one above doesn't look like it affects anything else. If you just can't stand the Advertising Metapod, then use that. :P