Re: How obsessed are you?
Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2007-11-21 08:52:53
Dude, is Pokemon like the most important part of your life? 90% of your life involves Pokemon?
That's kind of scary.
He's a Pokemon F-R-E-A-K!
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Dude, is Pokemon like the most important part of your life? 90% of your life involves Pokemon?
That's kind of scary.
This IS technically a PkMn forum…
>:( :( That must really suck.
Not as obsessed as I used to be. Partly because of my Silver cartridge dying.
Not as obsessed as I used to be. Partly because of my Silver cartridge dying.
YYYES! For once somebody got an acceptable score! (well in my book anyway)
You are a:
60% Gamer. You have quite a bit of interest in Pok?mon gaming.
60% Anim?-freak. You have quite a bit of interest in the Pok?mon anim?.
50% Pok?mon Know-it-all. You have quite a bit of interest in researching Pok?mon.
55% Obsessed. Pok?mon is important in your life.
60% Fan Worker. You have quite a bit of interest in Pok?mon fanwork.
57% Pok?mon Fan. You have quite a bit of interest in Pok?mon
Yep, I'm still pretty into Pokemon. I have others things in my life that I obsess over as well, but Pokemon's still an old fave of mine. I'm surprised I didn't score higher in the Fan Worker department.
If I took this while I was ten, all of the above would have been 110% XD
You don't need to. Don't you like knowing that youre obsessed though? ;D
Why do we need to have high scores?
I'm horrible. But I know enough, I think. This is how I did:
10% Gamer. You have little interest in Pok?mon gaming.
0% Anim?-freak. You have no interest in the Pok?mon anim?.
5% Pok?mon Know-it-all. You have little interest in researching Pok?mon.
45% Obsessed. Pok?mon is important in your life.
20% Fan Worker. You have little interest in Pok?mon fanwork.
25% Pok?mon Fan. You have some interest in Pok?mon.