I bought Pearl, and its boring
Posted by: agusganog
Date: 2009-01-14 20:10:36
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That's just your opinion.
Diamond and Pearl, are exactly the same games, but like with R/B, certain Pokemon are available on Diamond only, and some are only on Pearl. Dialga, is only on Diamond, and Palkia, is only on Pear.
And they are both on platinum
Diamond and Pearl, are exactly the same games, but like with R/B, certain Pokemon are available on Diamond only, and some are only on Pearl. Dialga, is only on Diamond, and Palkia, is only on Pear.
I can understand some people not liking it, but worst Pokemon game ever? Obviously you've never played Pokemon Channel or Pokemon Box.
I can understand some people not liking it, but worst Pokemon game ever? Obviously you've never played Pokemon Channel or Pokemon Box.
Channel sucked, but Box really can't ne nominated for sucking. It's a utility!
I can understand some people not liking it, but worst Pokemon game ever? Obviously you've never played Pokemon Channel or Pokemon Box.