Re: Who keeps sending me PAR?
Posted by: fivex
Date: 2009-04-29 22:06:19
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I think your code incompatibilities are just an issue of region codings, iirc.
Maybe it stands for Pro Action Replay. Actually I'm not really sure but I have read on Bulbapedia that there are glitched up pokemon in the Wifi pokemon request thingy. You also can end up getting a prototype Key item being held by them. I think its the Medal Sack or whatever its called , I forgot the name. Most likely it is no ordinary Mew and is one that has glitched up properties of sorts. In other words the game sees it as a regular pokemon and it acts like one but at the same time it is abnormal in many other areas. That name leads to my suspicion you keep getting a glitched up pokemon. Check to see if its holding an item you never knew existed. If so then it is a glitched up pokemon.
I'm glad I'm sticking to FR/LG, Ru/Sa/Em. There's too many things going on these days with the new games. Plus D/P/Pl, doesn't have that Pokemon feel to it anymore. I know there are codes for Platinum in the US, but in Japan, I don't know. They did create the games, so I guess they got codes, before others have. We don't get Platinum until May the 22nd. It's like I said, some codes, can mess up a game if it's for the wrong version. Say like you tried Pokemon Emerald codes, on Ruby/Sapphire, it wouldn't work or it might, and you'd get a decamark/bag egg that is far too unstable. It's like with me and Japanese Crystal, where I tried English codes, and all I got was endless text on a screen until my game crashed. So, this PAR Mew, or like Missing, said could be a cause, but if the code's are from Japan, and it might not work so well on an US-version copy of the game.
I kind of wonder if PAR does in fact mean Paralyzed. This reminds of "PSN" (Poisoned) the Butterfree in G/S/C, which, along with other similar pokemon, can appear during Game Link glitches. (Apparently it is a nameless Butterfree (or Pidgeot, as seen in my last test) that has the PSN status)
I kind of wonder if PAR does in fact mean Paralyzed. This reminds of "PSN" (Poisoned) the Butterfree in G/S/C, which, along with other similar pokemon, can appear during Game Link glitches. (Apparently it is a nameless Butterfree (or Pidgeot, as seen in my last test) that has the PSN status)