Which Pokémon should get evolutions/baby forms?
Posted by: Sarial
Date: 2009-06-29 14:15:33
* Tauros/Miltank - put an end to the "you can get a Tauros from a Miltank egg" rumour already, just have a baby form that will evolve into either of these Pokémon depending on gender
* Skarmory - This Pokémon should have either a baby form or evolution (or both?) because I always thought it should have gotten either since Ru/Sa…
* Kangaskhan - Why no baby form for Kangaskhan yet? It seems logical that there should be a baby form of Kangaskhan…
* Sandshrew - This Pokémon could use a baby evolution, because I always considered it a counterpart to Pikachu (don't know why… maybe because Pikachu and Sandshrew were both mouse-like?)
* Farfetch'd - why no evolution for this yet? I'd like to see an evolution for Farfetch'd, because that would help improve its stats…
* Dunsparce - needs an evolution (maybe into a Ground-type or something?)
* Pachirisu - should get an evolution in the fifth generation, preferably by Thunder Stone (come on, the Thunder Stone is only used on first-generation Pokémon, AFAIK…)
* Pinsir - why did Scyther get an evolution, but not Pinsir? -_-
* Luvdisc - I've been speculating an evolution for this Pokémon since early in the third generation…
Any other Pokémon that you think could use an evolution or baby form? ^_^