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Pokémon Discussion

Trades between RBY and Pokémon Sun and Moon - Page 2

Re: Trades between RBY and Pokémon Sun and Moon

Posted by: camper
Date: 2016-09-08 06:28:49
It's "better" if they ignore everything after a Charizard 'M during the check. Kanto Guard Glitch anyone? :P

Re: Trades between RBY and Pokémon Sun and Moon

Posted by: CytricAcid
Date: 2016-09-08 22:52:52
I for one am wondering how theyre going to handle conversion of DVs to IVs (likely multiplying them by 2), gen 1's EV system vs Gen 3 on, natures, and shininess. Considering a lot of that is determined by the personality value?  and afaik Gen 1 doesnt have that, how will that work? I know we have unofficial ways to "transfer" gen 1/2 pokemon data into gen 3+, but im wondering how game freak will officially handle it…

Also, we saw how rigorous and rigid the validity check is for pokebank, will any mews in gen 1 be able to be transferred at all, considering theyre solely available in VC through a glitch?

Re: Trades between RBY and Pokémon Sun and Moon

Posted by: Háčky
Date: 2016-09-09 01:06:05
Also, we saw how rigorous and rigid the validity check is for pokebank, will any mews in gen 1 be able to be transferred at all, considering theyre solely available in VC through a glitch?

There was a Mew distribution event for the VC games in Japan, so theyll at least have to accept those. Its possible they could reject any Mew from a non-Japanese version.

Re: Trades between RBY and Pokémon Sun and Moon

Posted by: SatoMew
Date: 2016-09-20 09:11:35

There was a Mew distribution event for the VC games in Japan, so theyll at least have to accept those. Its possible they could reject any Mew from a non-Japanese version.

They will likely look at the language of the Virtual Console game when checking if Mew should be allowed or not. Or maybe they'll pull a Jirachi/Arceus.