Re: Weird Missingno rumors
Posted by: Glitchby
Date: 2007-06-13 15:03:49
Oh, you were supposed to put the item in the 6th Position to multiple it. I thought you had to use them on it. That is why I caught it with a Masterball and used my only rare candy on it.
We laughed about that. Although it isn't a rumour.You have caught a MissingNo.?! That will destroy your game and the batteries will fall apart in your Gameboy. You wont be able to play it again.
….Of course catching a MissingNo. isn't real. It is toxins in the air making you think it is real. It is actually a Tentacool, you should get your eyes checked.
Lies! Atrocious lies! everyone knows it's the pesticides in vegetables and the hormones in the beef we all eat that makes that happen. Besides, Missingno. is really Starmie, Duh!