The Easy Way To Encounter Aerodactyl Missingno.s (with VBA)
Posted by: MrGlitch
Date: 2012-08-06 20:33:19
1. In VBA, go to line 3906.
2. Change "AF" to "9F".
3. Now this is where it gets tricky. There are two routines you can go through to encounter a glitch Pokemon.
a. In Oak's lab, inspect various objects around the room (preferably the third Pokeball that neither you nor your rival took) using the A button. Looking at the bookcases behind the table also works. If you do this correctly, when you attempt to move, you will enter into a battle with a Level 183 Aerodactyl Missingno.
b. Once you've gotten your Pokemon and taken care of all that business, enter into a battle right outside of Pallet Town. As soon as the screen starts flashing, hit whatever key you have set up as your A button repeatedly. If this works right, you will encounter a Level 183 Aerodactyl Missingno with a horizontally-flipped sprite.
I've found that Routine B is more reliable (in fact, it worked in 2 out of 3 battles for me just last night), but your mileage may vary.
Have fun, and don't be like me and freak out about it! 8)