Re: Is 94 worth getting in Red/Blue?
Posted by: Caveat
Date: 2017-07-06 07:07:43
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94 has an excellent typing (3 immunities and no weaknesses, since Dark isn't a thing yet), excellent stats, and a very large learnset.
Its "sibling", 94 h, has a volatile learnset, which means it can learn ANY MOVE IN THE GAME depending on VRAM. (And you can make it evolve into Mew!)
94 has an excellent typing (3 immunities and no weaknesses, since Dark isn't a thing yet), excellent stats, and a very large learnset.
Its "sibling", 94 h, has a volatile learnset, which means it can learn ANY MOVE IN THE GAME depending on VRAM. (And you can make it evolve into Mew!)
94 has an excellent typing (3 immunities and no weaknesses, since Dark isn't a thing yet), excellent stats, and a very large learnset.
Its "sibling", 94 h, has a volatile learnset, which means it can learn ANY MOVE IN THE GAME depending on VRAM. (And you can make it evolve into Mew!)
If 94 h does not learn moves does it just use struggle or some random glitchy shenanigans. Also why does it evolve into Mew?