Breakthrough Time??? Glitchy MAIL in Pokemon Gold!!!
Posted by: MrGlitch
Date: 2009-12-26 07:22:45
Title: C [D(block)DOB(block)B
Message: none
Title: blank
Message: Freezes game on an all-white screen
Title: EB9
Title: BB
Message: blank
Title: GB
Message: Plain blue screen, with no flower print or graphics of normal mail
Title: blank
Message: l k
Title: BOX5
Message: a's PkMn
Title: X10
Message: blank
Title: blank
Message: TRAINER is below the title line and to the left
Title: W
Message: blank
Title: [
Message: I tzxKZZLOUIS
Title: (Japanese symbol)(block)F
Message: MnaTP[P [
Title: GREEN[ CV (outside of message window, on the leftmost part of screen) ZMn
Message: K?YIUyUF
Title: blank
Message: 4 ……PPPZ9[]
Note: This message also replaced the "to do?" in the "What do you want to do?" box with "P'r["…so it lookes like: What do you want P'r[o?
Title: Z T
Message: xx:P [P[ tzx9[]
Title: OUIS
Message: Blank
Title: S
Message: S
Also, there were a LOT of messages that either had the title "GREEN" and a blank message, or a blank title and a message reading "GREEN". There were about 61 messages total, including blank ones.
Has anyone else experienced this, or knows what this means?