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Generation II Glitch Discussion

Breakthrough Time??? Glitchy MAIL in Pokemon Gold!!! - Page 2

Re: Breakthrough Time??? Glitchy MAIL in Pokemon Gold!!!

Posted by: RevManson
Date: 2010-02-08 09:10:31

This glitch actually can be beneficial. I got all of the Mystery Gift ornaments for my room this way.

same exact thing happened to me. but the odd thing was i never got any weird, glitchy mail in my box at home…

hell, is that even possible?

Re: Breakthrough Time??? Glitchy MAIL in Pokemon Gold!!!

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2010-02-08 21:44:22
Someone else who had it.

I wonder why it says GREEN all the time? Does anyone have this on an emulator?

Re: Breakthrough Time??? Glitchy MAIL in Pokemon Gold!!!

Posted by: MrGlitch
Date: 2010-02-12 18:16:43
How do I delete mail?  I've got a Magnemite with Mail attached to it that I want to deposit in my Box.

Deposit Pokemon:
The mailbox is full.

Release Pokemon:
Remove Mail.

Re: Breakthrough Time??? Glitchy MAIL in Pokemon Gold!!!

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2010-02-12 19:32:10
Just take the mail off and put it back your pack. It will lose its message but who cares. Mail was a useless feature anyways.

Re: Breakthrough Time??? Glitchy MAIL in Pokemon Gold!!!

Posted by: MrGlitch
Date: 2012-08-06 20:18:15
Holy shit this topic is old as hell.

Anyway, I solved this a while back.

"Okay, so someone explained to me what was happening with the mail.

'The mail is stored as a list, terminated at the end by… something. That something is not there, so the game continues loading more mail. When you try deleting a message, the rest need to move up one space; since there's nothing marking the end of the list, the game tries to move everything up by one. That obviously cannot work, and at some point it either triggers an automatic reset or somehow manages to jump to the boot code.'

I did a bit of further testing on this.

Total messages: 43

Everything except the last message seems to be normal. The last message either gives me the Glitch Dimension or a purple screen (the purple screen message has an identifier of 250).

Another interesting observation is that the messages' titles and contents change while I scroll through them. For example, when I went on my deletion spree, everything was completely blank.

…Wait a second.

I just deleted all of my messages except for seven or eight.
The last of which gave me the Glitch Dimension.
I did not save.
My Mailbox is now empty.
The one piece of Mail I had attached to my Magnemite, which had no title and had "GREEN" in the body, is now in my Mailbox and is the only message there.

I just fixed my own problem, though I'm not too certain what the hell just happened."