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Generation II Glitch Discussion

We should reproduce this on real game cartridges - Page 2

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2015-04-23 15:55:00

This is awesome, im actually completing my pokédex on my Pokémon Silver at the moment, and im only missing Espeon, Suicune, Entei, Raikou and for the longest time i thought getting celebi would be impossible, but this method seems awesome, i really wanna get a celebi! =D

Nice. Good luck :).

This duplicate key items trick is only for Pokémon Crystal and if you can get a bad clone I'd personally prefer the Celebi egg glitch over this. Though it's nice to get Celebi with the actual Ilex Forest event.

For Gold and Silver, you can do TheZZAZZGlitch's Coin Case trick using an Egg to get Celebi in the Pokédex.

Although you can't take an Egg into the Day Care and out, as soon as you use the Coin Case you're writing to the Pokémon's second species byte, allowing the Egg to hatch into that Pokémon.

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Kain
Date: 2015-04-24 21:07:43
Thank you very much again Torchickens  ;D

Don't worry about the magnet i got a stadium 2 game whit almost all items, the bad thing for me is that i need to clone a lot of copies.  :(

Basically what i asked to you is a "lets get back everything to normal code" and you thought on everything nicely :) But i need to note that when i started doing this i originally had 8 Key items. But i think it's a mater of changing one item quantity for my case. (it's my turn to experiment in this matter i suppose)

This is awesome, im actually completing my pokédex on my Pokémon Silver at the moment, and im only missing Espeon, Suicune, Entei, Raikou and for the longest time i thought getting celebi would be impossible, but this method seems awesome, i really wanna get a celebi! =D

You must know that there are many ways to get Celebi. Some are less unorthodox than others, and some are way more easier than others. It depends on what hardware (games and systems) you have. Personally i had only tested for "Celebi egg glitch" and most recently the "Crystal arbitrary code execution" (the method discussed on this tread).

But in the end it depends on what  level of legitimacy you want in your Pokemon. if you are purist, you surely want to try Crystal arbitrary code because in the end of the process you get an in game event generated Pokemon. If you only want to "Catch em' all no matter what" then the other methods mentioned by Torchikens are your way to go.

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2015-04-25 08:48:13
Pleasure! :)

Oh, do you mean getting the TM27 x46 again is giving you trouble? That's another thing I have to work on. Sorry about that.

In actuality, I've just realized my code gives 14 items according to the number of items byte, not 15 (including Cancel though).

If you replace Max Potion (dec:15) x5 with Antidote (dec:08) x5, then the code will give you 8 key items instead of 14.

Great Ball x62
Antidote x05
Poké Ball x61
Awakening x38
TM25 x1
(any x any)
Escape Rope x46
Lovely Mail x44
Dire Hit x44
Dire Hit x34
Squirtbottle x1
(any x any)
Dire Hit x61
Leaf Stone x1
(any x any)
Magnet x1
(any x any)
Ice Heal x45
Paralyze Heal x60
Repel x34
Super Rod x1
(any x any)
Great Ball x34
TM10 x1

(We set the register a to Antidote [09] and then do a dec a via the 61 in Poké Ball x61. This reduces a to 08; which will act as your number of key items)

Before using the code, put the key items you want to keep in order with the exception of a duplicate key item you want to get rid of in item 2.

Machine Part
Coin Case
Blue Card
Super Rod
Good Rod
Old Rod

After executing the code, do the 'swap item just below Cancel with first item' steps until you can no longer deposit the item below Cancel (which should be a Squirtbottle). To obtain the Squirtbottle (or whichever other bottom item this is), you can deposit it in the PC and withdraw it again.

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: hpoké_coloradohugge
Date: 2015-04-25 17:49:14

But in the end it depends on what  level of legitimacy you want in your Pokemon. if you are purist, you surely want to try Crystal arbitrary code because in the end of the process you get an in game event generated Pokemon. If you only want to "Catch em' all no matter what" then the other methods mentioned by Torchikens are your way to go.

I kind of want to get a "legit"-celebi with the glitch that triggers the event, i Did actually manage to get Mew Legit from my cousins copy of Pokémon Red - He actually got Mew from a event legit, so i did not have to use the mewglitch (ditto glitch or whatever you wanna call it) to get it, so it would be nice to get a more "pure" celebi. =)

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2015-04-25 21:22:41

He actually got Mew from a event legit

Using the "Mew Machine", or trading from a cart that was distributed with SRAM containing boxes filled with Mews?

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: hpoké_coloradohugge
Date: 2015-04-26 06:27:24

Using the "Mew Machine", or trading from a cart that was distributed with SRAM containing boxes filled with Mews?

No idea, I could probably ask him next time i see him. =)

But here in Sweden, I remember that you could get it at events at first, and then the swedish Club Nintendo allowed members to send in their games to get one at some point, so maybe he got it that way?

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2015-05-05 23:33:15
Man I think this is really cool but that is way too much trouble just to get Celebi. Great work though, I figure most people would still prefer doing the celebi egg trick or the bad clone glitch.

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2015-05-06 04:31:57
Thanks. Myself and Wack0 put it together. Wack0 suggested TM33 and using 8F to put the jump code (to the PC items here) in the Pokémon's nickname.

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Kain
Date: 2015-05-16 22:21:21
Sorry for not updating something this time.

I'm still working on the video tutorial. It turned more hard than i had imagined. I'm doing it in a way that will have more explanation on some specific topics, like item quantity and sorting. Also I'm trying that the video does not be too long.

So I'm not dead, I am just busy (or "socially dead" if you like the dead word :-\).

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2015-06-23 11:12:49
Hello there,

I was wondering if there was a way to trigger this arbitrary code execution in Gold/Silver (obviously not for the ilex forest celebi event) since the Coin Case doesn't work for us non-english people  :P

Do you know of a TM that would make it possible, for example, to simulate gameshark codes ? How exactly did you found out where TM33 jumped ?

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2015-06-25 09:10:58
To see whether a TM or HM executes code from the memory when it is outside of the TM/HM pocket, you can set a breakpoint in BGB to writable memory being executed.

To do that, right click on the window and enter the debugger. Then go to debug>access breakpoints, tick "on execute" and then enter C000-FEFF as the address range . Then use the TM or HM (which with GameShark can be forced into the Objets pack of French Gold with 01xxB8D5) - without GameShark you may have to do the duplicate key items glitch to access it in the Balls pocket.

Note. Here EXXX and FXXX addresses are in Echo RAM. That means E12A would effectively be the same as C12A and F222 would effectively be the same as D222, etc.

There is also a tool created by Mateo called GSC Item Editor. The tool tells us the execution pointer for Gold/Silver/Crystal in little endian. For example, TM33's execution pointer is 18F4 in little endian which is F418. I am not sure if any of the pointers point to the same data in the French version though.

I will look for a suitable TM or HM in the French version.

BGB breakpoints for C000-FEFF:

CT03 - CA31
CT05 - D14F
CT08 - C4B1
CT11 - CBD1
CT15 - FA0F (DA0F)
CT16 - D114
CT17 - FA47 (DA47)
CT18 - D119
CT21 - FA6A (DA6A)
CT22 - D002
CT25 - FA6A (DA6A)
CT26 - D002
CT33 - F418 (D418)
CT37 - E9D5 (C9D5)


DA47 (CT17) -Caught data byte 1 of party Pokémon 1.
DA6A (CT21)  - Defense EV byte 2 of party Pokémon 2

Edit: CS01 is like a portable name rater. While testing, one of the TMs that didn't breakpoint seemed to place me in a Glitch City when used. Somehow I got one of the ?????, will do more testing.

CT02 - Disco effect
CT09 - Turned the lab into a Glitch City but made the game freeze when closing the bag.

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2015-06-25 10:05:46
Thank you for those explanations. Looking though the board, I just found one of your posts that mentions TM25 in G/S. I tried (using the "PC items access from the bag" glitch) and it indeed jumps in FA6A so this is a working entry point for ACE reading from the Defense EV byte of the second Pokemon !

It might not be the most easy to handle, but it can be dealt with :)

Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2015-06-25 10:11:16

Thank you for those explanations. Looking though the board, I just found one of your posts that mentions TM25 in G/S. I tried (using the "PC items access from the bag" glitch) and it indeed jumps in FA6A so this is a working entry point for ACE reading from the Defense EV byte of the second Pokemon !

It might not be the most easy to handle, but it can be dealt with :)


Re: We should reproduce this on real game cartridges

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2017-10-05 08:11:26
So this is just if someone wish to perform TM-based ACE in G/S without requiring another game to link with.

In G/S, we use TM25 instead of TM33. It has the advantage to execute code from YOUR party and not the enemy's party (which made mandatory to have another game). We already knew that Machine Part and SecretPotions that were mandatory for the expanded balls pocket could be obtained through the Bad Clone Glitch, but because you would need a Pokémon with exactly 195 (modulo 256) Def EV and 6102 Speed EV, most people continued using a 1G game in order to use 8F/4F/wslm to modify a Pokémon this way and send it to 2G.

Someone had to make the calculations, so here it is. Pick an untrained Pokémon and make it win against 16 Raticate, 60 Tentacool, 1 Nidorina, 2 Rattata and 2 Smeargle. Theoretically you would now have the correct EVs and thus, you wouldn't require any trade with a 1G game.