ACE via Bad Clones in Crystal.
Posted by: Charmy
Date: 2016-11-16 11:24:30
Now, we need to bring it to it's full potencial.
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Recently, Werster "found" (it actually wasn't him, but he was the one of the first people to speedrun this route) a new way to execute albitary code via PC box names and a bad clone. Here's the video (Skip to 11:50 for the interesting part)
Now, we need to bring it to it's full potencial.
cp $31
jr nc, .crash_loop
ld e, a
ld d, 0
ld hl, Jumptable17d72a
add hl, de
add hl, de
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
jp [hl]
I confirmed the Lapras trick on console. :D
This glitch is very good and I recommend it over TM33 ACE if you want an Ilex Forest Celebi!
If you have three Pokémon games (two Generation II games, one Generation I game) you can trade the glitched Lapras with a bad nickname with Bide as move two on to a Generation II game with Time Capsule enabled (i.e. meet Bill in Ecruteak City and wait one day), raise it to level 50 (preferably with Rare Candies as we gave it a bad nickname) so it learns Perish Song and Safeguard as move 1 and 3, and then trade it on to a Pokémon Crystal which only got access to the Pokédex.
It's recommended to use a fresh Crystal like this because there could be bad data after CD52 which makes the glitch refuse to work. When Lapras is on the fresh Crystal, save and reset with a box name code, go to toss the Antidote x21, press B, press A on Cancel (important you press A on it) and view its summary. Your code should activate.
In this Pastebin, I have prepared many box name codes including all badges, have Fly, all Fly destinations, infinite Master Balls, infinite Rare Candies and a code to get TM17 with proper bootstrap code (which I recommend using first because it is faster to use it).
Additionally I have included a code to get the GS Ball for Celebi from the Goldenrod Pokémon Center (as well as a 'go to next day code' so you don't have to wait a day after Kurt inspects it), and a code to modify Pokémon 1's species byte 2 to Mew. You can have Pokémon 1 as the Egg you receive for free at the Pokémon Day Care, use another code to change its remaining Egg cycles to 1, and then walk/cycle around until it hatches into a level 5 Mew (although it may become level 4 or another level if you deposit and withdraw it again).
If you want to warp to the Safari Zone, you can do that with a code in the Pastebin too! :)
Although it may be a little difficult to make box name codes with the limited number of available opcodes, I recommend that now over box items because all you have to do to prepare the code is name your boxes whereas certain items may be difficult to get/it takes time to prepare them in a particular order.
I am preparing a video for the trick and it might be commentated for a change. I'm conscious of my voice (its not always clear and I can have trouble with the sound) but it would be nice to have a more personal touch to my videos and it is easy to communicate through the spoken word.