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Generation IV Glitch Discussion

Game freezes when I try to use Missingno - Page 1

Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: The Glincher
Date: 2010-08-18 16:59:49
I have made a Missingno in pokemon Heart Gold, using pokesav, but I have several problems.

When I want to see his Data on the game it freezes

When I use him on battle, the game freezes

When I try to teach him a move, the game freezes

I have modified his data in the game with pokesav version 00,3 in English, but now each time I play the game his values change, and the game still freezes I don´t khown what I´m doing wrong, so I took a snapshot of his latest data that I have used. Can some one tell me the values to use so that I can use Missingno in combat.  Right now all I can do is carry him around on my team.  Thank you in advance, The Glincher.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-08-18 17:43:34
Those are some very odd and specific values you put in. I doubt any of them are the problem, but it might be worth making it more normal. What catches my eye is the Exp., though. It might be higher than the game can handle.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2010-08-18 18:55:36
Technically, that's not Missingno. but —–. It is a common misconception among those new to glitchology that all Glitch Pokemon are Missingno.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-08-19 12:38:31

Technically, that's not Missingno. but —–. It is a common misconception among those new to glitchology that all Glitch Pokemon are Missingno.
This too.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: The Glincher
Date: 2010-08-20 06:33:34

Those are some very odd and specific values you put in. I doubt any of them are the problem, but it might be worth making it more normal. What catches my eye is the Exp., though. It might be higher than the game can handle.

I lowered the exp level to a level 90 and the game still freezes. I also tried to shorten the name and that did not solve the problem.  I ´am going to try editing my MissingNO data with pokelab if I can find it. Maybe the problem is with the pokesav program itself.  In the meantime, I welcome any other ideas as how to make MissingNO playable.  Thank you once again, The Glincher.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2010-08-20 09:34:34
It's not MissingNo, it's —–.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: The Glincher
Date: 2010-08-21 04:25:21

It's not MissingNo, it's —–.
I think I found the problem, the name. When I talk to him, his name comes up like a lot of ?, so I guest that the name is the problem but it seems like I cant change his name or put him a nickname, can someone help me on this?

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2010-08-21 06:09:28
Do it with Pokésav.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-08-21 06:31:47

Do it with Pokésav.
Looks like Pokésav to me.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: The Glincher
Date: 2010-08-21 07:41:29

Do it with Pokésav.

The problem that I am having with Pokésav is that it doesn't save the changes that I make to Missingno.  I change its name, experience level, hidden hex values, and its moves all with  Pokésav, but when I try to play the game, none of the changes are saved. I am able to save the changes with other pokemon, so I think the problem must be the Missingno pokemon.  Any ideas how to get around this issue?  I really want to be able to use this pokemon in battle. Thanks in advance, The Glincher.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2010-08-21 07:50:28

It's not MissingNo, it's —–.
I think I found the problem, the name. When I talk to him, his name comes up like a lot of ?, so I guest that the name is the problem but it seems like I cant change his name or put him a nickname, can someone help me on this?

I don't think that it is possible to nickname GenIV:000.  Its name length is undefined, hence the game draws its name as length zero but the actual name seems to be integral to the battle engine itself; when encountered the name will simply be space*256 but when an opponent attacks its name changes to ?*256 and if you manage to make a move its name will change to !*256 which suggests that its 'nickname' is not drawn from an associated species byte because one simply does not exist, so if you try to nickname it via Pokésav it is probably writing to an unused or unrelated address.

"—-" is simply used on the new Pokédex entry screen and is an error handler for undefined Pokédex data regarding the Pokémon's default name and very well might also be used elsewhere as GenIV:000's 'default' name, but that is difficult to test because viewing its status simply crashes the game. Viewing its status and the game crashing is understandable but I don't understand though why the game should crash when you are simply viewing the party screen menu, as it does this even if DP:000 is not the first Pokémon in the party when in theory one would think that it would just remove the below party Pokémon.

Unfortunately the game engine only allows one to use '—-' temporally because it seems like its out of battle species data points elsewhere because no such data is reserved for GenIV:000. In battle codes should work (like hold L+R in for 999 HP), but GenIV:000 cannot level up, or keep its stats or moves when the battle ends

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: The Glincher
Date: 2010-08-21 10:38:50
Thank you Torchickens, for such a detailed response.  So if changing the name is not the issue here, does anyone know if there is a code for this particular game like there is for pokemon diamond to be able to make MissingNo appear in the 1rst box?  I have been trying the better part of the day now, and haven't been able to make it work. :'( :???:

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2010-08-21 11:09:29

Thank you Torchickens, for such a detailed response.  So if changing the name is not the issue here, does anyone know if there is a code for this particular game like there is for pokemon diamond to be able to make MissingNo appear in the 1rst box?  I have been trying the better part of the day now, and haven't been able to make it work. :'( :???:
Why not try this?

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: The Glincher
Date: 2010-08-21 13:03:49
Thank you once again, Tombstoner, this is really close to what I've been trying to do for the last 3 days, lol, but still not quite what I'm really after.  What I really want is pokemon number 494 or 495, as I can use these pokemon in battle, something that still aludes me so far.  I appreciate all the help that you have all given me so far, we are really close this time thanks again, the glincher.

Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2010-08-21 17:02:06
Wow, I didn't know people still remembered my glitch  :o There doesn't seem to be much that comes from it though :(
I was going to try it again soon with using it in a vs. battle to see if it would work. Question: Do your pokemon get healed before a (non-wifi) battle?