Re: Game freezes when I try to use Missingno
Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2010-08-24 01:44:32
Do it with Pokésav.
The problem that I am having with Pokésav is that it doesn't save the changes that I make to Missingno. I change its name, experience level, hidden hex values, and its moves all with Pokésav, but when I try to play the game, none of the changes are saved. I am able to save the changes with other pokemon, so I think the problem must be the Missingno pokemon. Any ideas how to get around this issue? I really want to be able to use this pokemon in battle. Thanks in advance, The Glincher.
Dude, Don't call it Missingno. It is not a Missingno. That name is only used to identify the glitch pokemon Missingno in the Red and Blue games that goes by the name Missingno.
Each glitch pokemon that does not go by the name Missingno, should go by whatever name you see on screen or a description if there are no real letters. (i.e. Glitchy Charizard/Symbols in Pokemon Yellow for instance.)
The reason why this is is because Missingno is only found in the first generation games and calling others Missingno when they are in fact not Missingno is just….dumb I guess you could say and quite possibly, redundant as well.