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Video Games Discussion

Incase you haven't already heard... - Page 1

Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: Robjoe1107
Date: 2006-04-28 01:11:36
You know Nintendo's new console? Well, now you don't. They have changed it's name (Revolution, for those who forgot), to… "Wii". "Gay" simply doesn't go far enough with this. I've been seriously questioning whether or not to get one (what with the remote-shaped controller and what not), and this "name" doesn't make it any more appealing.

What do you guys think of this?

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-04-28 03:51:26
"Wii"? Is that some kinda roman numeral they didn't tell me about?

Well, at least it's not "Gamecube 2". :-/

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: AnimalCrossingAddict
Date: 2006-04-28 18:42:40
I wanted to get it, but the name is sooooo stupid…change it back to Revolution, Nintendo! Many angry fans will throw Gameboys and Gamecubes into the street :D

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-04-28 21:59:41
Beh. It's already the subject of so many jokes on IRC chatrooms and such. :-/

<+Ditto> "Mom, Robby is coming over. We're going to connect our Wii's and play multiplayer together for a few hours.
<&Izwzyzx> ;-;
<+Ditto> "
<+Ditto> Wii is the base of jokes. Revolution repels pokes.
<&Izwzyzx> Wii is a joke in itself

There's more where that came from, too.

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: Robjoe1107
Date: 2006-04-29 02:51:50
Apparently, "ii" is Japanese for "good", and I'm betting that the W was added on to make it be pronounced "we". Here's their "justification" on this crap:

Introducing Wii.

As in ?we.?

While the code-name ?Revolution? expressed our direction, Wii represents the answer.

Wii will break down that wall that separates video game players from everybody else.

Wii will put people more in touch with their games ? and each other. But you?re probably asking: What does the name mean?

Wii sounds like ?we,? which emphasizes this console is for everyone.

Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii.

Wii has a distinctive ?ii? spelling that symbolizes both the unique controllers and the image of people gathering to play.

And Wii, as a name and a console, brings something revolutionary to the world of video games that sets it apart from the crowd.

So that?s Wii. But now Nintendo needs you.

Because, it?s really not about you or me.

It?s about Wii.

And together, Wii will change everything.

*Found on SWS2B*

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: Izwzyzx
Date: 2006-04-29 03:41:23

"Wii"? Is that some kinda roman numeral they didn't tell me about?

Well, at least it's not "Gamecube 2". :-/

"Gamecube 2" would be much better than "wii". Much, much better.

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-04-29 05:03:17

"Wii"? Is that some kinda roman numeral they didn't tell me about?

Well, at least it's not "Gamecube 2". :-/

"Gamecube 2" would be much better than "wii". Much, much better.

It would. If it was a CUBE.

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-04-29 06:05:14
I don't like it. Revolution sounded so cool, Wii sounds so… so… bleah. >.< I'll probably still get it, but Nintendo's decision on the name still frustrates me.

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: GoldenChaos
Date: 2006-04-29 21:32:34
Despite the horrible name…I'll still get it.  At first, I was skepitical of the remote controller.After reading Game Informer's article about Red Steel I see good opertunites.(Although, I personally don't like fist person shooters.) Also in Nentendo Power, I realized it would probobly be like the DS. They said,"When the DS first came out, touch control was shoehorned into every game. But now ther leaving it out in games that dont need it." They think that the remote abilities will be left out of some games for the Revolution Wii.  That comforts me.   If you read this, you're probobly dead. ;D

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: hypershadow12
Date: 2006-04-30 03:02:47
Maybe it can be called the "Nintendo Square"!!!!

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-04-30 03:05:29
VERY gay. über gay.

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: GlitchManic
Date: 2006-05-17 07:09:28
Here is a picture I found on nintendo's forums to add my point -

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: AnimalCrossingAddict
Date: 2006-05-19 03:13:40

Here is a picture I found on nintendo's forums to add my point -

I rememebr that from The Fairly Odd Parents. That quote is hilarious.

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: HiddenShadow
Date: 2006-05-26 04:31:21
GLITCH MANIAC!!!I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!……Okay….That was a little mean…See GoldenChaos repears that Wii can mean a lot of things junk over and over again to everybody he sees….It's getting pretty dang annoying.AND WHY NAME IT THE WII!?!?!?!?!?THAT IS SO FRIGGIN STUPID!!!
Litttle Tommy: Mommy!Mommy!I want a Wii.
Mommy: Okay honey.Just make sure you make it to the bathroom in time.
See what I mean?It is stupid.

Re: Incase you haven't already heard...

Posted by: zach the glitch buster
Date: 2006-06-04 23:16:34
i must say that wii is the [size=25pt]STUPEST GAYEST NAME THAT COULD HAVE BEAN PICKED[/size] I think that the Revolution is a way better name 8)